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Repository files navigation

F the Bot

A Slack app companion script connecting F1000/Sciwheel to Slack.

See below for the Zotero - > Slack connection


The bot requires a state.rdata object

This object should contain 3 variables:

  • bottoken - character, a varialb containing the Slack authetincation token for the bot.

  • f1000auth - character, a variable containing the F1000/Sciwheel external API access token.

  • webhooks - data.frame, a table with four columns - (character) channel, (numeric) projectId, (character) webhook and (numeric) lastDate. Each row contains information about the mapping between the name of the slack channel, the F1000/Sciwheel subproject id from where the papers will be queried and posted to that channel, the complete url of the Slack webhook that the app can use to post to that channel and the last time (in milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC) F1000/Sciwheel was queried for that channel/projectId.


The bot can be scheduled as a cron job to run once daily, for example, at 8 a.m.

Open the crontab crontab -e and add a job

0 8 * * * Rscript /path/to/bot.R

Plotting sciwheel stats

The generated data dump can can be found in the bq_shared folder on the BioQuant cluster. Use the sciwheel_stats_process.R script to filter the data for the year of interest and tidy the data to generate plots of the labs sciwheel usage.

Some notes:

As of 26/07/2023 the bot uses Github Actions. The above mentioned state.rdata file was split: the state data is stored on Saezlab_docs as a csv file, authentication tokens are stored as github action secrets. You need admin rights to this repo to change them.


  • webhooks: we need webhooks to identify channels. These were generated by Jovan per channel using slack API. Keep these urls confidential to avoid external people posting to channel
  • authentication: authentication token stored as secret


Google drive

  • Authentication: first we needed a google drive API key. This can be obtain by registering a Google project on google cloud services. There are tutorials, e.g a short list of instructions are here:
  • GCP: Attila generated a f1000bot service with attila.gabor _ at _ google account. He can add people to the project if needed, but in theory you just need to invite the bot to access a file/folder.
  • The API key belongs to f1000bot-service-account at
  • Share with bot: If you want to access a file on google drive, make sure that this email is invited to view/edit

Zotero-to-Slack Bot

This repository contains a Python bot that integrates Zotero with Slack. The bot automatically checks a specified Zotero subcollection for new or modified publications and posts a formatted message to a Slack channel. It also keeps a state file (stored on Google Drive) that tracks the last posting date for each subcollection. If no new publications are found, the bot still posts a status message so that you know the bot is running and to help detect issues.


  • Automated Publication Check:
    Queries Zotero for new or modified publications since the last update.

  • Slack Notifications:
    Posts a Slack message containing a header (with current date/time, elapsed time since last post, and the number of new publications) along with details of new publications. When no new publications are detected, a notification is still posted.

  • State File Management:
    Downloads a state CSV file from Google Drive at runtime and updates it with the latest posting date. After processing, the updated state file is uploaded back to Google Drive.

  • Logging:
    Logs are populated in a bot.log file. The file is exported as a github action artifact (go to github acton, check the last report, artifacts are listed below the report). If you observe an issue with the bot, I would start by checking this log for errors.

Architecture / Workflow

  1. State File on Google Drive:
    The bot uses a CSV file that contains one row per Zotero subcollection. Each row includes:

    • subcollectionID: The Zotero subcollection ID.
    • lastDate: The ISO‑formatted timestamp of the last successful post (e.g., 2025-01-07T13:15:34Z).
    • channel: The Slack channel name or ID where the message should be posted.
  2. Bot Execution Flow:

    • Download State File:
      The GitHub Actions workflow first downloads the state file using
    • Process Publications:
      For each subcollection:
      • Fetch new publications from Zotero.
      • Format a header message that shows the current UTC time, elapsed time since the last update, and the number of new publications.
      • Format each publication into a client-friendly summary (using Slack’s emoji and link formatting).
      • Post the message to Slack. If posting fails or critical errors occur, the bot aborts without updating the state file.
    • Update State File:
      The state file is updated with the latest posting dates for each subcollection.
    • Upload State File:
      The updated state file is then uploaded back to Google Drive using
  3. GitHub Actions Pipeline:
    The workflow is scheduled (e.g., daily on weekdays) and can also be triggered manually. All secrets (such as API keys and tokens) are stored as GitHub repository secrets.


  • Python 3.11+
  • Google Service Account:
    A JSON key file for a Google service account with permissions to access Google Drive. (The JSON is Base64 encoded and stored as a GitHub secret.)
  • Zotero API Key and Library ID
  • Slack Bot Token:
    A Slack Bot User OAuth token (starts as 'xoxb-') with scopes such as chat:write, conversations:join, and users:read.


  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone
    cd F1000_Slack
  2. Install Dependencies:

    Make sure you have pip installed. Then run:

pip install -r requirements.txt

The requirements.txt file is located in the root of the repository and includes packages such as:

  • pyzotero
  • pandas
  • slack_sdk
  • google-api-python-client
  • google-auth
  • google-auth-oauthlib


GitHub Secrets

The following secrets are configured in this GitHub repository under Settings → Secrets and Variables → Actions:

  • GOOGLE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_JSON: The Base64-encoded string of your service account JSON file.

  • STATEFILE_FILE_ID: The Google Drive file ID for the state CSV file. File ID can be read out from the sharing link of the file.

  • ZOTERO_API_KEY: Your Zotero API key.

  • ZOTERO_LIBRARY_ID: Your Zotero library ID.

  • SLACK_BOT_TOKEN: Your Slack Bot User OAuth token.

Local Configuration

The following files constitutes the pipeline:

  • – The main bot script.
  • – The script to download the state file.
  • – The script to upload the updated state file.

you will also need the service account file to test google drive connection or get the state file.

  • service_account.json – Your service account JSON file (for local testing, not stored in Git).


Local Testing

You can test the bot locally by first downloading the state file:

python --file_id YOUR_STATEFILE_FILE_ID --output_path state.csv --service_account_file service_account.json

Then run the bot:

python --file_path state.csv --zotero_api_key YOUR_ZOTERO_API_KEY --zotero_library_id YOUR_ZOTERO_LIBRARY_ID --slack_token YOUR_SLACK_BOT_TOKEN

Finally, upload the updated state file back to Google Drive:

python --file_id YOUR_STATEFILE_FILE_ID --input_path state.csv --service_account_file service_account.json

GitHub Actions Pipeline

The automated pipeline is defined in the file: .github/workflows/bot_daily_posting_pyzotero.yml

The workflow performs the following steps:

  1. Checks out the repository.
  2. Sets up Python and installs dependencies.
  3. Writes the decoded service account JSON file.
  4. Downloads the state file from Google Drive.
  5. Runs the bot to post to Slack.
  6. Uploads the updated state file back to Google Drive.
  7. Uploads the log file (optional) as an artifact for troubleshooting.

The workflow is scheduled to run on weekdays at the configured time and can also be manually triggered.

Slack Message Format

Each Slack message includes:

A header with the current UTC date/time, elapsed time since the last update, and a count of new publications. A detailed list of new publications (if any) formatted with emojis and Slack link formatting. This ensures you get a notification even if no new publications are detected, helping you monitor the bot’s activity.

Sciwheel to Zotero Migration Tool

This repository includes a Python script ( that helps migrate publications and their notes from Sciwheel to Zotero by converting them to RIS format. The script preserves important metadata including titles, authors, abstracts, and importantly, any notes or highlights you've made on the papers.

Prerequisites for Using the Migration Tool

  1. Python Environment Setup:

    • Install Python 3.11 or later if you haven't already (download from
    • Install the required packages by running:
      pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. Sciwheel API Key:

    • You'll need a Sciwheel API key to access your publications
      1. Login to sciwheeel
      2. Go to your monogram (top right) and select Account
      3. Select External API on the left
      4. Generate API token and copy it
    • Set it as an environment variable:
      • On macOS/Linux:
        export SCIWHEEL_API_KEY="your-api-key-here"
      • On Windows (Command Prompt):
        set SCIWHEEL_API_KEY=your-api-key-here
  3. Sciwheel Project ID:

    • Find your project ID from the Sciwheel web interface:
      1. Log in to Sciwheel
      2. Navigate to your project
      3. Look at the URL - it will contain the project ID (e.g., in, the ID is 419191)

Using the Migration Tool

The script can be run from the command line with various options:

python [options]

Available Options:

  • --project-id: Your Sciwheel project ID (default: '419191')
  • --limit: Maximum number of publications to process (optional, useful for testing)
  • --output-dir: Directory to save the output files (default: current directory)
  • --prefix: Prefix for output filenames (default: 'sciwheel')
  • --save-json: Save raw JSON data for debugging (optional)

Example Usage:

  1. Basic usage (exports all publications from the default project):

  2. Export from a specific project with a custom output directory:

    python --project-id 123456 --output-dir ./exports
  3. Test run with just a few publications:

    python --limit 5 --save-json

Output Files

The script generates two types of files:

  1. RIS File (always created):

    • Named like: sciwheel_export_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS.ris
    • Contains all publications in RIS format
    • Can be directly imported into Zotero
  2. JSON File (only if --save-json is used):

    • Named like: sciwheel_raw_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS.json
    • Contains raw data from Sciwheel
    • Useful for debugging or verifying the export

Importing to Zotero

  1. Open Zotero
  2. Go to File → Import
  3. Select the generated .ris file
  4. Choose your import options
    • Recommended: Create a new collection for the imported items

Notes and Limitations

  • The script preserves formatting in notes when possible
  • HTML formatting in titles and abstracts is handled appropriately
  • All publication metadata (DOIs, PMIDs, etc.) is preserved
  • Notes and highlights are combined into a single note in Zotero
  • The script includes progress bars to show export status
  • If you encounter any issues, try the --save-json option and check the raw data


  1. API Key Issues:

    • Verify your API key is correctly set as an environment variable
    • Check if you can access the same project in your browser
  2. No Output Files:

    • Check if you have write permissions in the output directory
    • Verify the project ID exists and contains publications
  3. Missing Notes:

    • Confirm you have access to the notes in Sciwheel's web interface
    • Try using --save-json to check if notes are in the raw data

For any other issues, check the script's log output for error messages.


Feel free to submit issues or pull requests if you have suggestions or improvements. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss your ideas.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.