What's Changed
- Rails 7 setup added by @akhilgkrishnan in #4
- React webpack config added by @akhilgkrishnan in #10
- Linting and formatting by @judis007 in #13
- PostgresDB added and Heroku Configured by @akhilgkrishnan in #12
- Added github actions by @judis007 in #14
- Added Devise and the User model by @judis007 in #21
- Codecov for code coverage by @judis007 in #25
- React + Rails + Typescript config and structure setup by @akhilgkrishnan in #23
- Added role attributes to the User model by @judis007 in #27
- Rails 7 rc version updated to rails 7 stable version by @akhilgkrishnan in #30
- Fix react ecosystem by @vipulnsward in #31
- User login and signup design implementation by @akhilgkrishnan in #39
- Show simplecov coverage result in pr by @akhilgkrishnan in #26
- Fixes#32 forget password page by @aniket-k-kaushik in #43
- App json added for review apps by @akhilgkrishnan in #45
- Fixes#46 develop set password page by @aniket-k-kaushik in #47
- React Component added for User authentication feature by @akhilgkrishnan in #49
- Fix colour issue by @aniket-k-kaushik in #51
- Devise view based user authentication setup added by @akhilgkrishnan in #53
- Fixes#54 Fixes#33 build the root pages & Logout by @aniket-k-kaushik in #56
- Letter opener web gem added for review apps by @akhilgkrishnan in #59
- Fixes#55 Add the visual designs for signup/login/forgot password pages. by @aniket-k-kaushik in #60
- Fixes#61 Update Text Spacing to 1.6px in login/signup/password reset/password set page by @aniket-k-kaushik in #62
- Update README.md by @apoorv-mishra in #64
- Functionality for organization setup by @judis007 in #57
- Keshav/add rolify by @keshavbiswa in #67
- Rails upgraded to 7.0.1 and Ruby upgraded to 3.1.0 by @akhilgkrishnan in #68
- Rolify user role syntax issue fixed by @akhilgkrishnan in #69
- Models setup by @Abinash393 in #66
- Fixes #63 user profile by @aniket-k-kaushik in #71
- [BE]Signup validations by @apoorv-mishra in #70
- Active storage AWS s3 storage issue fixed by @akhilgkrishnan in #74
- [BE]Allow spaces in first and last name by @apoorv-mishra in #76
- Fixes #73 organization edit by @aniket-k-kaushik in #78
- Email confirmation notification added after user sign up by @akhilgkrishnan in #85
- Team page added by @akhilgkrishnan in #79
- Github Issue and PR template added by @akhilgkrishnan in #86
- Fixes #91 'Create new user' option should be available only for Admin and Owner by @aniket-k-kaushik in #92
- Feature/google oauth by @keshavbiswa in #87
- Clients page (1/X) - Add namespace internal_api, render navbar in layout, list clients by @rohitjoshixyz in #80
- Code improvements by @akhilgkrishnan in #107
- Developed Projects listing page by @judis007 in #105
- Customise error displayed on forgot password pages by @SiddharthShringi in #108
- Navbar removed from company creation page by @akhilgkrishnan in #111
- Update README.md by @apoorv-mishra in #114
- Visual design added for client listing page by @akhilgkrishnan in #119
- New client adding feature removed from react by @akhilgkrishnan in #124
- Day Time tracking by @Abinash393 in #94
- Feature/request specs by @keshavbiswa in #121
- Feat: Ability to update, delete and search team member added. by @aniket-k-kaushik in #93
- Add validations for org setup page by @apoorv-mishra in #106
- Added bussiness_phone to company creation in seed by @apoorv-mishra in #139
- BugFix: Employee can able to edit and delete member issue fixed by @akhilgkrishnan in #125
- Fixes #136 UI design mismatch fix bug by @aniket-k-kaushik in #138
- Added active_for_authentication method in the user.rb by @aniket-k-kaushik in #141
- Fixes #131 Teams page- showing ‘invitation pending’ for owner- admin member by @aniket-k-kaushik in #142
- renamed company controller to companies by @keshavbiswa in #137
- Add project member model by @rohitjoshixyz in #127
- Newrelic APM added for application monitoring by @akhilgkrishnan in #145
- Fixes #116 UI miss match input fields by @aniket-k-kaushik in #143
- Organisation settings page- we can save Blank Company Address. by @aniket-k-kaushik in #146
- Added model specs by @keshavbiswa in #148
- Owner or admin can add clients for a company by @apoorv-mishra in #126
- company creating fix by @aniket-k-kaushik in #152
- Invitation pending label issue fixed by @akhilgkrishnan in #156
- Owners or admins should be able to edit client details by @apoorv-mishra in #150
- Setup pundit for user authorization by @gowsik-ragunath in #154
- Navbar policy by @gowsik-ragunath in #161
- Forgot password- User doesn’t receive any email after password is successfully reset by @mayankagnihotri7 in #166
- New project functionality by @judis007 in #120
New Contributors
- @akhilgkrishnan made their first contribution in #4
- @judis007 made their first contribution in #13
- @vipulnsward made their first contribution in #31
- @aniket-k-kaushik made their first contribution in #43
- @apoorv-mishra made their first contribution in #64
- @keshavbiswa made their first contribution in #67
- @Abinash393 made their first contribution in #66
- @rohitjoshixyz made their first contribution in #80
- @SiddharthShringi made their first contribution in #108
- @mayankagnihotri7 made their first contribution in #166
Full Changelog: https://github.com/saeloun/miru-web/commits/v0.1