Starred repositories
EdgeMultiplay is a light game server sample that works with EdgeMultiplay Unity Client, the server is built using NodeJS
Curated list of project-based tutorials
I did this project because I wanted to test my developer skills with something that really challenges me like cloning one of the most popular websites in the world. During its construction multiple…
Graph theory (network) library for visualisation and analysis
A simple virtual reality bowling game made in the Unity software with VRTK v4
Virtual Reality Maze Game Using Unity and GVR.
📝 Algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript with explanations and links to further readings
Generic convolve filter in C# with sample gaussian usage
♞ lichess.org: the forever free, adless and open source chess server ♞
Google Interview Experience (For Software Engineering Intern)
📚 List of awesome university courses for learning Computer Science!
The repository contains the ENGLISH description files attached to the video series in my ARABIC algorithms channel.
My full exploring path of backend development using node.js starting from full application to restful API, repo separated into branches each branch have a new project
a web game that will allow players to test their programming skills in order to win other players or pass challenges
freeCodeCamp.org's open-source codebase and curriculum. Learn to code for free.
clone Medium on Nodejs and Reactjs
✅ The Node.js best practices list (July 2024)
Server supporting the Signal Private Messenger applications on Android, Desktop, and iOS
The frontend, backend, and content source code for web.dev
⏩ Simple HTTP Error Page Generator
Unity Open Project #1: Chop Chop
The source code for my node.js tutorial series