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Welcome! New here?

If you're new, please use this repo's wiki to get started!

Did you just have a course created for you?

If so, this repo was used as a template, and your course repo's name should be pl-SSS-CCC, where SSS is your project institution name (ucb, csulb, ecc) and CCC is the lowercase course number at your institution (eg pl-ucb-cs169a, pl-ecc-csci8, etc).

We (UCB PL admins) should already have created a team pl-dev-SSS-CCC that has write access to your repo; email us the names of any course staff who should have access. WARNING: your repo will likely contain sensitive content such as exam questions. Be careful who has access. All access to PL repos is by teams, not by adding individuals, to keep access control manageable.

  • Delete (meaning git rm) the elements subdirectory, unless you specifically want to use the custom elements in here (see below for some documentation)
  • Delete the contents of serverFilesCourse and clientFilesCourse
  • Delete the contents of courseInstances (you'll add your own later)
  • Delete the contents of questions/, which will be replaced with your course's questions
  • Immediately update this and infoCourse.json to reflect the info for your course, including inserting a valid UUID for the course. You can run uuidgen at a shell prompt to make one. Important. Just about every type of thing in PL -- course, question, element, etc. -- has a UUID (Universally Unique ID). You can generate one by typing uuidgen at a terminal window or by using the UUID generator. For safety, in the template repo all UUID values have been set to "9999...". In your new repo, immediately git rm any files you do not need, and in the files that remain, replace every UUID with a fresh one.

Note: Although it has become customary to name the primary Git branch main rather than master, do not do so for PL repos as the server will not be able to sync them. The server will only sync to the master branch.








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