CityClash is blockchain based browser game, we use ethereum network for deploying codes (smart contracts) and swarm network (a decentralized file system) for uploading images.
Step 1: Download the repostory using the command:
Git Clone ""
cd CityClash
Step 2: Install the dependecies using the command:
npm Install
Step 3: Use the following command to run the Dapp: For Windows
./CityClash up
For Ubuntu
chmod +x ./
./ up
Step 4: Enter Dapp Configuration
from command prompt
choose Network Type
? Select the Ethereum Network Type .. (Use arrow keys)
> Private Network
Ropsten Network
Enter MetaMask Seed Phase
//domain hip magic total cart frozen umbrella next matrix march measure cousin
? Enter Your MetaMask Seed Phase..
Enter Infura Project ID ( only in Ropsten Network mode)
//default project ID 0e9a3e7c18094e3a87e13cb1991e4b57
? Enter Your Infura Project ID.. (0e9a3e7c18094e3a87e13cb1991e4b57)
Step 5: Go http://localhost/, to Interact with game. check video demonstration here
Step 6: Use the following command to Stop Dapp
For Windows
./CityClash down
For Ubuntu
./ down
Step 7: Use the following command to Reset Dapp Configuration
For Windows
./CityClash reset
For Ubuntu
./ reset
To Enter Truffle Container
docker exec -ti truffle /bin/bash
in Truffle Container
to run test case
truffle test ./test/test.js
to migrate contracts
truffle migrate --reset
//for ropsten network
truffle migrate --reset --network ropsten