The xfmr
(a poor-man’s name for "transformer") processor consumes an incoming payload, transforms it (adds a string prefix), and sends the processed payload to an output channel for downstream consumption.
You can build and run the tests via:
mvn clean install
Once the application is ready and uploaded to a remote repository (e.g., maven-artifactory or docker-hub), you can register the application in SCDF.
dataflow:>app register --name xfmr --type processor --uri maven://com.example:xfmr:0.0.3.BUILD-SNAPSHOT
Along with the custom xfmr
processor, this demo also uses the out-of-the-box http
source and log
sink applications.
As a companion-server to SCDF, Skipper manages the granular application-lifecycle behind the scenes. You can read more of Skipper from the three-minute-tour. Skipper is configured with 2 platform backends: Cloud Foundry (on PWS) and Kubernetes (on GKE). Here’s a sample output of the platform-list that’s coming from Skipper, and it is now available in SCDF for use.
dataflow:>stream platform-list
║ Name │ Type │ Description ║
║k8s-prod│kubernetes │master url = [https://kubernetes.default.svc/], namespace = [default], api version = [v1]║
║cf-prod │cloudfoundry│org = [scdf-ci], space = [space-sabby], url = [] ║
With the out-of-the-box apps and the xfmr
processor registered in SCDF, a streaming-pipeline can be defined and deployed to the available platforms. In this setup, it could be either Cloud Foundry, Kubernetes, or both. For example, the following deploys the fooxfmr
stream to Cloud Foundry (via cf-prod
platform account); for which the credentials are pre-configured in Skipper. You can read more about the configurations in the reference guide.
dataflow:>stream create fooxfmr --definition "http | xfmr | log"
dataflow:>stream deploy --name fooxfmr --platformName cf-prod
Concourse is the CI system in this demo. Any CI tooling that can support configuration-as-code can perform what we are attempting in this demo, too. In this case, a Concourse pipeline monitors the git-commits to kick-off a build, test, package, and the registeration of xfmr
application in SCDF via the SCDF’s RESTful endpoints. Finally, also, the CI pipeline invokes the "stream-update" RESTful-endpoint (in SCDF) to continuously deploy the incremental changes to targeted platforms. For more details, review the ci
folder, which includes the CI-pipeline as code and the associated concourse-job configurations.
This CI pipeline assumes a fooxfmr and barxfmr streams are running in Cloud Foundry and Kubernetes respectively. The goal of this pipeline is to demonstrate how a change to business logic via git-commit would automatically trigger the build, run the tests, and finally register and rolling-upgrade the newly adjusted business-requirement change against the "live" stream processing data pipeline.
You can run the pipeline with the following command.
fly -t tutorial sp -p xfmr -c ci/pipeline.yml -l ci/credentials.yml
Once set up, we can access the xfmr
pipeline from Concourse.
credentials.yml is intentionally ignored from the repo. You need to create a file with credentials to set up the CI pipeline.
To simulate incoming data,
script generates random security numbers of format xxx-xx-xxxx
. The script invokes the http-source
application URL/route in the platform, with the generated security number as the payload in the message envelope.
A live demonstration of this was presented at the Spring webinar. The demo starts at ~41.25.