Advertisement banners are displayed to users in a mobile application in a country from an advertiser. When this happens, an impression event is recorded and stored. Optionally, if the user clicks on the banner, a click event is recorded. Revenue is generated only in the case of a click being triggered.
- Read events stored in JSON files
- Calculate metrics for some dimensions
- Make a recommendation for the top 5 advertiser_ids to display for each app and country combination.
The following guides illustrate how to use some features concretely:
- This app implemented by spring boot to demonstrate some business about ads metrics
- To run this app you need to have installed jdk 21 or higher before
- Navigate to the root of the project via command line and execute the command
./mvnw spring-boot:run
- There are 2 impressions.json and clicks.json in the root of project that are inputs
- First those inputs will be read by DatabaseLoader Component.
- And then do some business code in BusinessService to achieve our goals.
- After Application started two files will be generated by service class and will be saved in the classpath
This is just demo however we can also expose api to get those files or report.