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III. Creating EKey Modules

s0lst1c3 edited this page Nov 16, 2020 · 3 revisions

EKey modules are executed prior to payload generation, and are used to derive encryption keys that can be used by DropEngine's Crypter module to encrypt the payload. Below is a template for creating an EKey module.


class MEKey(EKey):

    def __init__(self):

        if config.debug:
            print('calling MEKey.__init__()')

        super().__init__() = ''
        self.mtype = 'ekey' = ''
        self.description = ''

        self.compatible_omodules = [



        self.compatible_interfaces = [

    def add_arguments(self):


    def generate(self):
        return {
            'val' : ekey_val,
            'len' : ekey_len,
            'options' : self.args.__dict__,

Required Structure:

EKey modules meet the following requirements:

  • Must be of type MEKey
  • Must inherit from type EKey
  • As with all modules, must make a call to super().__init__() at the start of the constructor
  • Must have a generate() function (defined in the following subsection)

Required Function: generate()

All EKey modules must have a generatet() function that accepts no arguments, performs some action, and then returns a dictionary containing the encryption key, encryption key length, as well as any command line arguments passed to the module.

  • Required inputs: None
  • Required output (dictionary with the following minimum structure): { 'val' : ekey_value, 'len' : ekey_length, 'options' : self.args.__dict__ }

Required Attributes:

  • name - the name of the module

  • mtype - the module type (must be set to 'ekey')

  • author- the name of the module author

  • description - a brief description of what the module does

  • compatible_interfaces - a list of interface modules that are compatible with the module

  • compatible_omodules - a list of compatible output modules (for example, a ekey module will have a list of compatible dkey modules)

Creating EKey Modules Using the DropEngine Module Maker

DropEngine's Module Maker can be used to easily create a skeleton from which to build an EKey module, as shown in the following example.


python \
--type ekey \
--name test_module \
--author s0lst1c3 \
--description itsanekey \
--compatible-omodules asdf \
--compatible-interfaces csharp_runner_interface

Example Output:

(venv) s0lst1c3@DESKTOP-NC0U49D:/mnt/c/Users/s0lst1c3/mmtest/dropengine$ python \
> --type ekey \
> --name test_module \
> --author s0lst1c3 \
> --description itsanekey \
> --compatible-omodules asdf \
> --compatible-interfaces csharp_runner_interface
[*] Saved new module to path: modules/input/ekeys/
(venv) s0lst1c3@DESKTOP-NC0U49D:/mnt/c/Users/s0lst1c3/mmtest/dropengine$