This project provides a wrapper class of WebSocket for JavaScript and defines subprotocols for WebSocket.
WebSocket wrapper defines two subprotocols -- wswrapper_json and wswrapper_msgpack. JSON is used as sending data format in wswrapper_json, and MessagePack is used in wswrapper_msgpack. WebSocket servers have to support at least one of these subprotocols, but adopting no subprotocols is allowed for the servers that don't support subprotocols at all.
[eventName: String, payload: Object]
The sending data consists of a tuple of the event name and the payload, and its format is JSON or MessagePack. The payload can include raw binary data in MessagePack, but in JSON, the binary data have to be converted to text such as base64.
url = "ws://localhost/ws";
// JSON.
ws = new WebSocketWrapper(url);
// msgpack. window.msgpack is the object that has `pack` and `unpack` methods in properties.
// Official implementation:
ws = new WebSocketWrapper(url, {msgpack: window.msgpack});
// not use subprotocols of wswrapper
ws = new WebSocketWrapper(url, {protocol: false});
Some hooks are also available. (Currently, only "onmessage" hook is available.)
ws = new WebSocketWrapper(url, {
msgpack: window.msgpack,
hooks: {
onmessage: function(d) {
if (typeof(d) === "string") {
return null; // The data isn't be passed to handlers.
return d; // This return data is passed to handlers
"open", "close", and "error" are special event names. Each event has only one handler.
ws.on("open", function(e) { console.log(e); });
ws.on("close", function(e) { console.log(e); });
ws.on("error", function(e) { console.log(e); });
// override event handler
ws.on("open", function(e) { ws.emit("hello", "world"); });
// destroy event"open");
Any event names without "open", "close", and "error" can be used for custom events.
// custom events
ws.on("hello", function(payload) { console.log(payload); });
// destroy events"hello");
Any JSON-like data not limited by the data format (JSON or MessagePack) can be sent to the remote by ws.emit(eventName, data=null)
ws.on("open", function(e) {
ws.on("do something", function(data) {
// In the case of JSON
var raw_data = window.btoa(data);
var result = window.atob(raw_data);
ws.emit("something done", {
foo: "bar",
data: result
ws.emit("setup finished", {information: "for initialization"});
The MIT License