This was meant to be the back-end of a service which served files and resources for a VR application. I abandoned it in a couple of weeks since the idea quickly fell apart.
VR Service aims to be the indexing service of the VR videos
In order to compile you first need to install all the dependecies.
- libboost
- libpq
- libpqxx
- libcppnet
- libssl-dev
To install the dependecies to COMPILE in Debian:
$ aptitude install libsll-dev libcppnetlib-dev libpqxx-dev libboost-all-dev
Please note that the current version of cppnet-lib in Debian is version 0.11. You can download a precompiled binary of a newer version from
To install the dependecies to run the program in Debian:
aptitude install libboost-system1.62.0 libboost-thread1.62.0 libboost-chrono1.62 libboost-date-time1.62.0 libboost-atomic1.62.0 libssl1.1 libpqxx-4.0v5
To install CMake and Ninja in Debian:
$ aptitude install cmake ninja-build
Setup files for a debug build
$ cmake -G Ninja
Setup files for a release build:
$ cmake -G Ninja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
$ ninja
Please note that if you had to download the binaries you need to setup one env variable, and pass another one to cmake:
$ export CPPNETLIB_ROOT="<path_where_you_decompressed_binaries>/cpp-netlib-build"
Configuration should be stored in /etc/vrs.conf
as a json file.
This is an example:
"requiressl": true,