Simple Application for Visual stimulu with DxLib
- Prepare stimuli as a image file
- Write condition into .ini file
- Execute and select your .ini file
- start by "T" (Check FPS and sequence by "D)
Example .ini file format is below (any comment is not allowed)
model=P241; not working
sizeX=1920; Display width
sizeY=1080; Display height
rate=60; Reflesh rate
nbit=32; bit
windowmode=1; windowmode (0: full screen)
shuffle=0; shuffle or not (1 or 0)
interstim=12; inter stimuls interval [frames]
duration=60; stimuls duration
ntrial=5; number of repetition
intertrial=120; inter trial duration
posX=960; stimulus center X
posY=540; stimulus center Y
sequence=0; use sequence file (1 or 0)
imgroot=images_\\; image file location
imgext=bmp; image file ext
bgcolor=127; background color
magni=1.0; magnification of stimulus
show=1; show patch (1 or 0)
posX=0; patch position X
posY=0; patch position X
size=100; patch size
- Visual studio 2015 community
- boost
- dxlib