- making ROIs with mouse
- In the future, I'll add something better algorithm for automated cells difine.
- "demoROI.m" is automation example. You have to get FastPeakFind.m.
- z: re-difine current ROI
- mouse wheel: change ROI sise
- Arrow key: move ROI pixel by pixel
- click datatable => z (or d) : delete ROI
- (if revise btn enable) select roi with click
- varag{1} = MxNx3 or MxN image
- varag{2} = 'B' made with bwboundaries
- varag{3} = cellType e.g. ones(length(B))
- Image processing toolbox
- FastPeakFind.m
- Any contribution welcome send me pull req or patch.
Ryosuke F Takeuchi from 2015 Jan.