Hi, I'm Ryan Bester and I'm currently a university student studying Cyber Security.
In my free time, I like to work on random projects that I feel would be useful in my life.
- dotnet-darkmode - Adds support for Windows 10 dark mode in .NET applications.
- ImRibbon - Ribbon library for ImGui.
- PackStudio - A free and open source application for making Minecraft resource packs. Development on this project is currently on hold.
- Waveboard - Simple application to play sounds through your microphone.
- Minecraft Map Manager - Create, edit, and delete maps in your Minecraft world.
- SignAura - A sign editing plugin for Minecraft
- KeepCommandHistory - A simple Minecraft mod to keep command and chat history when leaving worlds.
- SHFA - A Minecraft mod to make building a lot easier by making the hitboxes of certain blocks larger.
- Spectator Quick Switch - A Minecraft mod that allows you to quickly switch between spectator and your previous game mode with a single key press.
- VisualWorldEdit - A Minecraft mod to visualise WorldEdit selections.
- HiccaShaders - Minecraft shaders that add weird effects.