A set of classes to help remove some boilerplate when dealing with CRUD operations using angularfire2.
I know that this probably isn't very good code, but I thought no harm in putting it out there.
The idea for this project came from trying to install Firestorm and not being able to get anything working due to it being so out of date. As a result I started this project to fill the gap I was trying to plug.
Professionally I work as a Java developer, so I just started implementing things how I would when working in that environment (this is where the name came from, referencing the spring framework).
The idea is to abstract away all common Firestore interactions so that your app contains less code while also making a lot of your database interactions consistent with one another. Another thing I want to ensure is that the ONLY dependency will be AngularFire, this should hopefully make sure that this project doesn't meet the same fate as Firestorm.
I honestly have no idea what I'm doing with this, and I'm only implementing features or changing things as the requirements for my current project change. Contributions are welcome, but ideally I would like to limit the code to things I can personally wrap my head around 😅. I think it would be cool and make sense for a lot of what's here to be converted into annotations, but I have no clue how to go about making those myself.