Sorfe is a TypeScript library for creating services easily.
For install using npm use command:
npm install sorfe
Service with methods is a basic endpoint implementation. It gives possibility to call methods from application client.
import { Service, Method } from 'sorfe';
// Service decorator added to your service methadata with name of service
// !Name of service is unic options for all services
@Service({ name: 'example' })
class ExampleService {
// Method decorator added to your service methadata with name of method and make in callable from client
// No restrictions on parameters or return value
@Method({ name: 'example' })
public callableMethod(): any {
// Implementation
import { Sorfe, TransportIpc } from 'sorfe';
import { ExampleService } from 'service.ts';
const sorfe = new Sorfe({
// Transport protocol for you project
transport: TransportIpc,
// All service who can be used but without name duplication
services: [
Transport service is one of key part for sorfe lib. The transport layer describes how data will be transmitted between application parts. In example realized transport service for Electron IPC.
- Transport service must extends TransportAbstract.
import { TransportAbstract, IRequest, IResponseReject, IResponseSuccess } from "sorfe";
import { ipcMain, IpcMainEvent } from 'electron';
export class TransportIpc extends TransportAbstract {
private static _ipcChannel: string = process.env.IPC_CHANNEL || 'sorfe';
* Method realized ipc communications by "sorfe" channel. Channel can be changed by IPC_CHANNEL env parameter
transportMessageHandler(listener: (message: IRequest, send: (response: (IResponseSuccess | IResponseReject)) => void) => void): void {
ipcMain.on(TransportIpc._ipcChannel, (event: IpcMainEvent, request: IRequest) => {
listener(request, async (response: IResponseSuccess | IResponseReject) => {