Robot online mode
Turn on the turtlebot and run basic nodes (mjpeg server, rosbridge, user nodes etc.):
roslaunch fallrisk_bringup startup_online.launch
Just for convenience:
a. If you want to launch startup_online.launch and start amcl navigation node at the same time, launch
roslaunch fallrisk_bringup startup_online_nav.launch
b. If you want to launch startup_online.launch and start gmapping node at the same time, launch
roslaunch fallrisk_bringup startup_online_map.launch
Robot offline (simulation) mode
Turn on the simulator and run everything else (mjpeg server, rosbridge, user nodes etc.):
roslaunch fallrisk_bringup startup_offline.launch
fallrisk_bringup: launch files to bringup the system
fallrisk_common: drivers, denpendent libraries etc.
fallrisk_perception: nodes about image processing, environment awareness
fallrisk_mapping_navigation: nodes about mapping and localization, planning and navigation
fallrisk_tools: tools for web interface
fallrisk_embedded: nodes run on embedded board
Install robot web tools:
sudo apt-get install ros-hydro-mjpeg-server
sudo apt-get install ros-hydro-rosbridge-server
sudo apt-get install ros-hydro-robot-pose-publisher
Install octomap server, audio, and video packages
sudo apt-get install ros-hydro-octomap-server
sudo apt-get install ros-hydro-audio-common
sudo apt-get install ros-hydro-uvc-camera
Install turtlebot apps and simulator:
sudo apt-get install ros-hydro-turtlebot ros-hydro-turtlebot-apps ros-hydro-turtlebot-simulator ros-hydro-turtlebot-navigation
For the laptop on the turtlebot, you also need to install:
sudo apt-get install ros-hydro-turtlebot-viz ros-hydro-kobuki-ftdi
To set up kobuki base:
. /opt/ros/hydro/setup.bash
rosrun kobuki_ftdi create_udev_rules
- Create your workspace
mkdir -p ~/fallrisk_ws/src
cd ~/fallrisk_ws/src
cd ~/fallrisk_ws/
source devel/setup.bash
- Setting Up .bashrc File
echo source ~/fallrisk_ws/devel/setup.bash >> ~/.bashrc
. ~/.bashrc
cd ~/fallrisk_ws/src
wstool init
wstool set fall_risk_project_ros https://github.com/rxdu/FallRiskProjectROS.git --git
wstool update
- Compile project
cd ~/fallrisk_ws/src/fall_risk_project_ros
git checkout hydro_devel
cd ~/fallrisk_ws
(reference from WPI DRC project wiki)
For the whole workspace:
From the ros_workspace folder run:
catkin_make --force-cmake -G"Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles"
You can then import the eclipse project that was created in the build folder. The files you need to edit are under "[Source directory]". Note that all packages are under the same project.
For just one package:
Find the location where you wish to store your eclipse .project files. For example if you want to use this~/Workspace/eclipse/<package_name>:
cd ~/Workspace/eclipse
mkdir <package_name>
cd <package_name>
cmake /home/rdu/fallrisk_ws/src/fall_risk_project_ros/<package_name>/ -G "Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles"
Now open eclipse:
right click on 'project explorer' > import > General > Existing Projects into Workspace > Next
point to the directory where you created the .project file
click Finish
Wait till it indexes and you should be good to go. If it does not index correctly it means the CMakeLists.txt is not written correctly.