This app was developed as part of the Python software developer training program at diginamic. The purpose of the app is to provide beekeepers a means of managing data on their beeyards and beehives. Some details of the hives as well as contact information for the beekeepers who give their consent is shared via a public API. It also includes an example of templating to show the beeyards and hives of the connected user and provide the possibility to list their interventions.
- Clone the repository to your local machine.
- Create a virtual environment using python -m venv .venv and activate it (./.venv/Script/activate on Windows).
- Make sure you are in the base folder and run pip install -r requirements.txt to add all of the dependencies.
- Change the .env-template file name to .env. It is filled with default data for a postgres database named test_db. Make any adjustments necessary adjustments to this file so that it corresponds to your system. This is done to facilitate testing and grading this project and this sort of information should never be included directly in production code.
- Create a postgres database of the expected name on your machine.
- Run python migrate to create the initial database setup.
- Run python filltestdb to automatically add dummy data to the database. Note that this creates an admin user with the username/password admin:admin. (Obviously, this should only be used for test purposes.) It also creates several beekeeper users such as IdgieThreadgood:Bees4ever! for which can be used for manual testing.
- Multiple tests have been created in the file. To run them, make sure you are still in the base directory and run coverage run test apiary -v 2 . The expected result is 8 successful tests. This does not cover the entire app but includes testing the action function which allows a beekeeper to log a health check of all the hives in one beeyard at once. It also tests using POST to create a contamination log and tests whether users can access the expected data depending on their authentication status.
- To start the app, run python runserver.
- These are the key urls for testing the application:
- Public API:
- Admin Login: (Reminder: running filltestdb creates an admin:admin user)
- Admin Honeypot:
- Beekeeper Login:
One possible test login is IdgieThreadgood:Bees4ever! - The login leads to the Beekeeper template page:
- The user can click on each hive's intervention link to see a list of interventions affecting the hive. The URL pattern for this is: . The authenticated user should only be able to access information on their own hives.
- Private API (requiring authentication as a beekeeper user such as IdgieThreadgood:Bees4ever!): The authenticated user should only be able to access information on their hives. Filters are available on both APIs. The admin user has no beehives, to see data in the private API login with the provided beekeeper username.
- Axes is used to log access and failed access attempts. After three failed logins, the IP is locked out. If this occurs, run python axes_reset to reset the login attempts.