Implementation of docker with the junego application.
Please make sure that you have Docker and docker-compose installed on your system. For more information, please refer to their documentation:
Copy the files to the server in your home directory with the following command:
git clone
You may run JuneoGo using http or https.
To run your node with http, please open the juneogo-docker directory in your command line and execute:
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d juneogo
This will start bootstrapping your node.
To run your node with https, please set up your custom domain to point to your machine's public ip address.
Next, please update the file Caddyfile located in juneogo-docker/caddy
to contain your domain instead of the sample url.
Example: {
reverse_proxy juneogo:9650
After this, please execute:
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d
This will start bootstrapping your node.
You can check your node's bootstrapping status with the following RPC call:
curl -X POST --data '{
"id" :1,
"method" :"info.isBootstrapped",
"params": {
}' -H 'content-type:application/json;'
curl -X POST --data '{
"id" :1,
"method" :"info.isBootstrapped",
"params": {
}' -H 'content-type:application/json;'
Example response:
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"isBootstrapped": true
"id": 1
Once your node has fully boostrapped, navigate to juneogo-docker/juneogo/
and execute the command in the following format:
sudo chown -R [your_user_name] .juneogo/
Example (if the user is juneogo
sudo chown -R juneogo .juneogo/
To enter the juneogo Docker container, please execute:
docker exec -ti juneogo-synergy /bin/bash