Record data from serial port, and replay it !
A transport that chunk data into packets is required. Timestamped packets are recorded to an output file.
The replay write data to serial while trying to match the timestamps.
Data is recorded in a binary format : The file begin by the baudrate as an uint32, followed by data records. Data records consist of a timestamp as double (f64), the lenght of the packet as uint16, then the packet itself.
Data are recorded as little endian.
file: [baudrate: u32][data record][data record][data record][data record]
data record: [timestamp: double][data lenght: u16][data..]
The python script had performance issues on raspberry pi, so a Rust version has been made.
./ -p <port> -b <baudrate> -f <file>
./ -p /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 230400 -f /tmp/ldata
rust_listener -p <port> -b <baudrate> -f <file> [-t <transport>]
The baudrate is recorded in the data file so you don't have to specify it.
./ -p <port> -f <file>
./ -p /tmp/sink -f /tmp/ldata
Tip: You can replay data to a virtual serial port. To create a pair of virtual serial ports, run:
socat -d -d pty,raw,echo=0,link="/tmp/sink" pty,raw,echo=0,link="/tmp/src"