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Add the wasm32-wasi-preview2 target
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Signed-off-by: Ryan Levick <[email protected]>
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rylev committed Jan 22, 2024
1 parent 3066253 commit 8209450
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Showing 18 changed files with 334 additions and 131 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions compiler/rustc_span/src/
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Expand Up @@ -1791,6 +1791,7 @@ symbols! {
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions compiler/rustc_target/src/spec/
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Expand Up @@ -1574,6 +1574,7 @@ supported_targets! {
("wasm32-unknown-emscripten", wasm32_unknown_emscripten),
("wasm32-unknown-unknown", wasm32_unknown_unknown),
("wasm32-wasi", wasm32_wasi),
("wasm32-wasi-preview2", wasm32_wasi_preview2),
("wasm32-wasi-preview1-threads", wasm32_wasi_preview1_threads),
("wasm64-unknown-unknown", wasm64_unknown_unknown),

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//! best we can with this target. Don't start relying on too much here unless
//! you know what you're getting in to!
use crate::spec::{base, crt_objects, Cc, LinkSelfContainedDefault, LinkerFlavor, Target};
use crate::spec::{base, crt_objects, cvs, Cc, LinkSelfContainedDefault, LinkerFlavor, Target};

pub fn target() -> Target {
let mut options = base::wasm::options();

options.families = cvs!["wasm", "wasi"];
options.os = "wasi".into();

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64 changes: 64 additions & 0 deletions compiler/rustc_target/src/spec/targets/
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@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
//! The `wasm32-wasi-preview2` target is the next evolution of the
//! wasm32-wasi target. While the wasi specification is still under
//! active development, the {review 2 iteration is considered an "island
//! of stability" that should allow users to rely on it indefinitely.
//! The `wasi` target is a proposal to define a standardized set of WebAssembly
//! component imports that allow it to interoperate with the host system in a
//! standardized way. This set of imports is intended to empower WebAssembly
//! binaries with host capabilities such as filesystem access, network access, etc.
//! Wasi Preview 2 relies on the WebAssembly component model which is an extension of
//! the core WebAssembly specification which allows interoperability between WebAssembly
//! modules (known as "components") through high-level, shared-nothing APIs instead of the
//! low-level, shared-everything linear memory model of the core WebAssembly specification.
//! You can see more about wasi at <> and the component model at
//! <>.
use crate::spec::crt_objects;
use crate::spec::LinkSelfContainedDefault;
use crate::spec::{base, Target};

pub fn target() -> Target {
let mut options = base::wasm::options();

options.os = "wasi".into();
options.env = "preview2".into();
options.linker = Some("wasm-component-ld".into());

options.pre_link_objects_self_contained = crt_objects::pre_wasi_self_contained();
options.post_link_objects_self_contained = crt_objects::post_wasi_self_contained();

// FIXME: Figure out cases in which WASM needs to link with a native toolchain.
options.link_self_contained = LinkSelfContainedDefault::True;

// Right now this is a bit of a workaround but we're currently saying that
// the target by default has a static crt which we're taking as a signal
// for "use the bundled crt". If that's turned off then the system's crt
// will be used, but this means that default usage of this target doesn't
// need an external compiler but it's still interoperable with an external
// compiler if configured correctly.
options.crt_static_default = true;
options.crt_static_respected = true;

// Allow `+crt-static` to create a "cdylib" output which is just a wasm file
// without a main function.
options.crt_static_allows_dylibs = true;

// WASI's `sys::args::init` function ignores its arguments; instead,
// `args::args()` makes the WASI API calls itself.
options.main_needs_argc_argv = false;

// And, WASI mangles the name of "main" to distinguish between different
// signatures.
options.entry_name = "__main_void".into();

Target {
llvm_target: "wasm32-unknown-unknown".into(),
pointer_width: 32,
data_layout: "e-m:e-p:32:32-p10:8:8-p20:8:8-i64:64-n32:64-S128-ni:1:10:20".into(),
arch: "wasm32".into(),
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions library/std/src/os/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -85,6 +85,9 @@ pub mod linux;
#[cfg(any(target_os = "wasi", doc))]
pub mod wasi;

#[cfg(any(all(target_os = "wasi", target_env = "preview2"), doc))]
pub mod wasi_preview2;

// windows
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3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion library/std/src/os/wasi/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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//! [`OsStr`]: crate::ffi::OsStr
//! [`OsString`]: crate::ffi::OsString
#![stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
#![cfg_attr(not(target_env = "preview2"), stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0"))]
#![cfg_attr(target_env = "preview2", unstable(feature = "wasm_preview2", issue = "none"))]
#![doc(cfg(target_os = "wasi"))]

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5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions library/std/src/os/wasi_preview2/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
//! Platform-specific extensions to `std` for Preview 2 of the WebAssembly System Interface (WASI).
//! This module is currently empty, but will be filled over time as wasi-libc support for WASI Preview 2 is stabilized.
#![stable(feature = "raw_ext", since = "1.1.0")]
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions library/std/src/sys/pal/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -40,6 +40,9 @@ cfg_if::cfg_if! {
} else if #[cfg(target_os = "wasi")] {
mod wasi;
pub use self::wasi::*;
} else if #[cfg(all(target_os = "wasi", target_env = "preview2"))] {
mod wasi_preview2;
pub use self::wasi_preview2::*;
} else if #[cfg(target_family = "wasm")] {
mod wasm;
pub use self::wasm::*;
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123 changes: 123 additions & 0 deletions library/std/src/sys/pal/wasi/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
use crate::io as std_io;
use crate::mem;

pub fn is_interrupted(errno: i32) -> bool {
errno == wasi::ERRNO_INTR.raw().into()

pub fn decode_error_kind(errno: i32) -> std_io::ErrorKind {
use std_io::ErrorKind;

let Ok(errno) = u16::try_from(errno) else {
return ErrorKind::Uncategorized;

macro_rules! match_errno {
($($($errno:ident)|+ => $errkind:ident),*, _ => $wildcard:ident $(,)?) => {
match errno {
$(e if $(e == ::wasi::$errno.raw())||+ => ErrorKind::$errkind),*,
_ => ErrorKind::$wildcard,

match_errno! {
ERRNO_2BIG => ArgumentListTooLong,
ERRNO_ACCES => PermissionDenied,
ERRNO_AGAIN => WouldBlock,
// ALREADY => "connection already in progress",
// BADF => "bad file descriptor",
// BADMSG => "bad message",
ERRNO_BUSY => ResourceBusy,
// CANCELED => "operation canceled",
// CHILD => "no child processes",
ERRNO_CONNABORTED => ConnectionAborted,
ERRNO_CONNREFUSED => ConnectionRefused,
ERRNO_CONNRESET => ConnectionReset,
ERRNO_DEADLK => Deadlock,
// DESTADDRREQ => "destination address required",
ERRNO_DOM => InvalidInput,
// DQUOT => /* reserved */,
ERRNO_EXIST => AlreadyExists,
// FAULT => "bad address",
ERRNO_FBIG => FileTooLarge,
ERRNO_HOSTUNREACH => HostUnreachable,
// IDRM => "identifier removed",
// ILSEQ => "illegal byte sequence",
// INPROGRESS => "operation in progress",
ERRNO_INTR => Interrupted,
ERRNO_INVAL => InvalidInput,
ERRNO_IO => Uncategorized,
// ISCONN => "socket is connected",
ERRNO_ISDIR => IsADirectory,
ERRNO_LOOP => FilesystemLoop,
// MFILE => "file descriptor value too large",
ERRNO_MLINK => TooManyLinks,
// MSGSIZE => "message too large",
// MULTIHOP => /* reserved */,
ERRNO_NAMETOOLONG => InvalidFilename,
ERRNO_NETDOWN => NetworkDown,
// NETRESET => "connection aborted by network",
ERRNO_NETUNREACH => NetworkUnreachable,
// NFILE => "too many files open in system",
// NOBUFS => "no buffer space available",
ERRNO_NODEV => NotFound,
ERRNO_NOENT => NotFound,
// NOEXEC => "executable file format error",
// NOLCK => "no locks available",
// NOLINK => /* reserved */,
ERRNO_NOMEM => OutOfMemory,
// NOMSG => "no message of the desired type",
// NOPROTOOPT => "protocol not available",
ERRNO_NOSPC => StorageFull,
ERRNO_NOSYS => Unsupported,
ERRNO_NOTCONN => NotConnected,
ERRNO_NOTDIR => NotADirectory,
ERRNO_NOTEMPTY => DirectoryNotEmpty,
// NOTRECOVERABLE => "state not recoverable",
// NOTSOCK => "not a socket",
ERRNO_NOTSUP => Unsupported,
// NOTTY => "inappropriate I/O control operation",
ERRNO_NXIO => NotFound,
// OVERFLOW => "value too large to be stored in data type",
// OWNERDEAD => "previous owner died",
ERRNO_PERM => PermissionDenied,
ERRNO_PIPE => BrokenPipe,
// PROTO => "protocol error",
// PROTOTYPE => "protocol wrong type for socket",
// RANGE => "result too large",
ERRNO_ROFS => ReadOnlyFilesystem,
ERRNO_SPIPE => NotSeekable,
ERRNO_SRCH => NotFound,
// STALE => /* reserved */,
ERRNO_TXTBSY => ResourceBusy,
ERRNO_XDEV => CrossesDevices,
ERRNO_NOTCAPABLE => PermissionDenied,
_ => Uncategorized,

pub fn abort_internal() -> ! {
unsafe { libc::abort() }

pub fn hashmap_random_keys() -> (u64, u64) {
let mut ret = (0u64, 0u64);
unsafe {
let base = &mut ret as *mut (u64, u64) as *mut u8;
let len = mem::size_of_val(&ret);
wasi::random_get(base, len).expect("random_get failure");
return ret;

pub(crate) fn err2io(err: wasi::Errno) -> std_io::Error {
132 changes: 9 additions & 123 deletions library/std/src/sys/pal/wasi/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,9 +14,6 @@
//! compiling for wasm. That way it's a compile time error for something that's
//! guaranteed to be a runtime error!
use crate::io as std_io;
use crate::mem;

#[path = "../unix/"]
pub mod alloc;
pub mod args;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -74,123 +71,12 @@ cfg_if::cfg_if! {
mod common;
pub use common::*;

pub fn is_interrupted(errno: i32) -> bool {
errno == wasi::ERRNO_INTR.raw().into()

pub fn decode_error_kind(errno: i32) -> std_io::ErrorKind {
use std_io::ErrorKind;

let Ok(errno) = u16::try_from(errno) else {
return ErrorKind::Uncategorized;

macro_rules! match_errno {
($($($errno:ident)|+ => $errkind:ident),*, _ => $wildcard:ident $(,)?) => {
match errno {
$(e if $(e == ::wasi::$errno.raw())||+ => ErrorKind::$errkind),*,
_ => ErrorKind::$wildcard,

match_errno! {
ERRNO_2BIG => ArgumentListTooLong,
ERRNO_ACCES => PermissionDenied,
ERRNO_AGAIN => WouldBlock,
// ALREADY => "connection already in progress",
// BADF => "bad file descriptor",
// BADMSG => "bad message",
ERRNO_BUSY => ResourceBusy,
// CANCELED => "operation canceled",
// CHILD => "no child processes",
ERRNO_CONNABORTED => ConnectionAborted,
ERRNO_CONNREFUSED => ConnectionRefused,
ERRNO_CONNRESET => ConnectionReset,
ERRNO_DEADLK => Deadlock,
// DESTADDRREQ => "destination address required",
ERRNO_DOM => InvalidInput,
// DQUOT => /* reserved */,
ERRNO_EXIST => AlreadyExists,
// FAULT => "bad address",
ERRNO_FBIG => FileTooLarge,
ERRNO_HOSTUNREACH => HostUnreachable,
// IDRM => "identifier removed",
// ILSEQ => "illegal byte sequence",
// INPROGRESS => "operation in progress",
ERRNO_INTR => Interrupted,
ERRNO_INVAL => InvalidInput,
ERRNO_IO => Uncategorized,
// ISCONN => "socket is connected",
ERRNO_ISDIR => IsADirectory,
ERRNO_LOOP => FilesystemLoop,
// MFILE => "file descriptor value too large",
ERRNO_MLINK => TooManyLinks,
// MSGSIZE => "message too large",
// MULTIHOP => /* reserved */,
ERRNO_NAMETOOLONG => InvalidFilename,
ERRNO_NETDOWN => NetworkDown,
// NETRESET => "connection aborted by network",
ERRNO_NETUNREACH => NetworkUnreachable,
// NFILE => "too many files open in system",
// NOBUFS => "no buffer space available",
ERRNO_NODEV => NotFound,
ERRNO_NOENT => NotFound,
// NOEXEC => "executable file format error",
// NOLCK => "no locks available",
// NOLINK => /* reserved */,
ERRNO_NOMEM => OutOfMemory,
// NOMSG => "no message of the desired type",
// NOPROTOOPT => "protocol not available",
ERRNO_NOSPC => StorageFull,
ERRNO_NOSYS => Unsupported,
ERRNO_NOTCONN => NotConnected,
ERRNO_NOTDIR => NotADirectory,
ERRNO_NOTEMPTY => DirectoryNotEmpty,
// NOTRECOVERABLE => "state not recoverable",
// NOTSOCK => "not a socket",
ERRNO_NOTSUP => Unsupported,
// NOTTY => "inappropriate I/O control operation",
ERRNO_NXIO => NotFound,
// OVERFLOW => "value too large to be stored in data type",
// OWNERDEAD => "previous owner died",
ERRNO_PERM => PermissionDenied,
ERRNO_PIPE => BrokenPipe,
// PROTO => "protocol error",
// PROTOTYPE => "protocol wrong type for socket",
// RANGE => "result too large",
ERRNO_ROFS => ReadOnlyFilesystem,
ERRNO_SPIPE => NotSeekable,
ERRNO_SRCH => NotFound,
// STALE => /* reserved */,
ERRNO_TXTBSY => ResourceBusy,
ERRNO_XDEV => CrossesDevices,
ERRNO_NOTCAPABLE => PermissionDenied,
_ => Uncategorized,

pub fn abort_internal() -> ! {
unsafe { libc::abort() }

pub fn hashmap_random_keys() -> (u64, u64) {
let mut ret = (0u64, 0u64);
unsafe {
let base = &mut ret as *mut (u64, u64) as *mut u8;
let len = mem::size_of_val(&ret);
wasi::random_get(base, len).expect("random_get failure");
return ret;

fn err2io(err: wasi::Errno) -> std_io::Error {
mod helpers;
// These exports are listed individually to work around Rust's glob import
// conflict rules. If we glob export `helpers` and `common` together, then
// the compiler complains about conflicts.
pub use helpers::abort_internal;
pub use helpers::decode_error_kind;
use helpers::err2io;
pub use helpers::hashmap_random_keys;
pub use helpers::is_interrupted;

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