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Russmedia Tee iOS

iOS SDK for Russmedia Engagement Engine v 1.3.1


iOS Deployment Target 9.0, Swift 5.3.1.

Take it on board


Check out Get Started tab on Than use following spec.


Or use downloaded framework as embedded binary for your project.


Camera permission

Framework uses native Camera for QR Code reader, so Info.plist of your app needs to provide static messages to display to the user when the system asks for camera or microphone permission: NSCameraUsageDescription and NSMicrophoneUsageDescription.

Make it run

First thing is, to import the framework.

import TeeSDK

Once imported, you can access singleton instance of the framework and implement some delegates methods and properties.


Called, on every request, that is made by framework.

TEE.instance.onCall = { callName in
 print("Tee is making call")


Called, when any message arrives. onCall and onMessageReceived may be a good place to paste own tracking of engine.

TEE.instance.onMessageReceived = { message in
 print("Tee is getting message")


Method, that enques blocks, which are fired since TEE has initialised. Typically, wait with execution of relevant deeplinks, until any collector token is already received.

TEE.instance.executeAfterInitialized {
 print("Anonymous or logged-in user is active")


Method takes block, that is executed right when TEE has known, logged-in user. And as second parameter, takes expiration of block, that can invalidate execution after some time. Typically, since user is logged in, you may want to adapt his app UI.

TEE.instance.executeAfterNotAnonymous {
 print("User is finally logged in")


You may want to notify users, with targeting based on TEE profile. You can associate push notification token with specific user. As additional, optional parameter, pushAlias you can pass specific string value, associated with token.

func application( _ application: UIApplication, didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken deviceToken: Data ) {
 TEE.instance.handlePushRegistration(deviceToken: deviceToken, pushAlias: "aliasString")

Catching users point milestones

You can catch users points progress via callbacks for any amount of points you need.

TEE.instance.addMilestone(forPointsCount: 10) {
 print("Another 10 points reached")


Readonly Bool for getting info, if currently running session is anonymous, or with logged-in user.



Talky log of communication with socket server in console. Default value is false

TEE.instance.verbosePrint = true


UIViewController, that is used for presenting overlayed modal views, for engagement engine notifications. You can disable notification by keeping this property unset.

TEE.instance.presentingViewController = window?.rootViewController


Optional styling of TEE popup window.

TEE.instance.popupCornerRadius = 30


Optional width of popup window, with absolut value.

TEE.instance.popupStaticWidth = 300 /// this is default value


Optional width of popup window, relative to device screen width. Overrides popupStaticWidth.

TEE.instance.popupPercentWidth = 80

Connection to server

Since all props and delegates are set, you can enable connection itself with tracking of anonymous user. Activity will be tracked and saved under new generic collector token.


Whenever you determinate, that user is not anonymous anymore, you call init method again, with remoteId and userName as parameters. RemoteId should represent unique identificator of the user and userName, as optional parameter, as human readable string as display name.

TEE.instance.initConnection(remoteId: "[email protected]", userName: "BMan")

Logout method will cancel session with given user and will get anonymous token to starts with points from 0.


Attaching and firing challanges in code

To enable challenges for each part of app, you call register method for every screen, that should hold elements to trigger challenges. Each View is registrered for own challanges under unique string detailPageId and provides reference to root UIView of the screen.

TEE.instance.registerChallengesFor(detailPageId: "uniqueViewID", view: self.view)

Than, particular challenges can be triggered in code, using ID of challenge, with call:

TEE.instance.fireChallenge(withElementId: ".article-detail.selected .share.facebook")

Attaching and firing via IB

You can set ID of challenge as accessibilityIdentifier of an UIButton or TEEUIScrollViewObservable. Than, when you register detail page with registerChallengesFor(detailPageId:, view:), challenges will be attached, and fired automatically when interacting with the element.

For triggering scroll challenge, TEEUIScrollViewObservable subclass is required

@IBOutlet weak var scrollView: TEEUIScrollViewObservable!

Detach challenges from view

TEE.instance.resignViewForChallenges(withKey: "uniqueViewID")

User activity indication

Engagement Engine measures also user activity in general. The best place to run activityPing() call is UIApplicationDelegate methods.

func applicationDidEnterBackground(_ application: UIApplication) {

func applicationDidBecomeActive(_ application: UIApplication) {

Switch the language

You can call method updateLanguage(lang: String) on running session, to switch language of TEE UI for currently active collector token. Either anonymous or already paired one with user. As a parameter, is expected Alpha-2 language code, ISO 639-1.

TEE.instance.updateLanguage(lang: "de")

Format number of points in TEEPointsView

Use method setPointsFormatter(_ formatter: NumberFormatter) to pass number formatter, that is applied to every TEEPointsView in app while displaying current points.

let formatter = NumberFormatter()
formatter.groupingSeparator = "."
formatter.numberStyle = .decimal


Own transition for displaying overview window

Use new public API: modalPresentationStyle: UIModalPresentationStyle? and presentationTransitioningDelegate: UIViewControllerTransitioningDelegate? on TEE instance, to specify your own transition to open overview page in app.

TEE.instance.modalPresentationStyle = .custom
TEE.instance.presentationTransitioningDelegate = MyTransitioningDelegate()

Open overview page with deeplink

For opening TEE overview page on specific position, you can use public API: handleDeepLink(_ url: URL), where URL includes GET parameter for navigating to relevant section. Method uses regular expression to harvest entry point from ?entry= GET parameter. So valid URL object with specified entry string as GET parameter, should be inserted. Example URLs, you can pass:

  • ...ttps://yourwebsite/open-gamification?entry=/me/rewards
  • ...ttps://yourwebsite/open-gamification?entry=/me/challenges
  • ...ttps://yourwebsite/open-gamification?entry=/me/overview
  • scheme://
TEE.instance.handleDeeplink(URL(string: "https://yourwebsite/open-gamification?entry=/me/rewards")!)

Open Overview page with deeplink from HTML of your WKWebview

For opening TEE overview page from WKWebview, with specific deeplink, you register it's WKUserContentController by TEE.instance.registerWKUserContentControllerForDeeplinks(controller: userController) and set javascript listeners in webview, after DOM is loaded, by TEE.instance.registerHTMLForDeeplinks(webview: webView).

private func initWebView() {
 let userController = WKUserContentController()
 let config = WKWebViewConfiguration() 
 config.userContentController = userController
 webView = WKWebView(frame: .zero, configuration: config)
 TEE.instance.registerWKUserContentControllerForDeeplinks(controller: userController)

func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, didFinish navigation: WKNavigation!) {
  TEE.instance.registerHTMLForDeeplinks(webview: webView)

In HTML, you add class tee-element to identify TEE related element, which is automatically displayed as block, if TEE is present. Then class tee-open-btn to open TEE overview popup on click and attribute data-open to pass deeplink string to open.

<div class="tee-open-btn tee-element" style="display: none" data-open="/me/rewards/detail/123">
 My HTML link to page with reward ID 123

Executing code, after user is successfully logged in TEE.

Method executeAfterNotAnonymous(_ block: @escaping () -> Void, cancelAfter interval: TimeInterval = 0) allows you to register block, that is fired, right when user is not anonymous anymore. If it won't be desired, to fire block after specific time frame, you can pass expiration time interval, timer will be invalidated and block released. In case of deep linking, you may want to check, if user is not anonymous. Anonymous user has limited content in TEE overview pages and it's beneficial to suggest login dialog first.

Code below demonstrates option, how you can implement deep linking, with user-login step in the middle.

func application(_ application: UIApplication, continue userActivity: NSUserActivity, restorationHandler: @escaping ([UIUserActivityRestoring]?) -> Void) -> Bool {

 switch userActivity.activityType {
  case NSUserActivityTypeBrowsingWeb:
   let url = userActivity.webpageURL!
   if userIsLoggedIn {  // your getter
   } else {
    loginUser({ isSuccess in // your async login process
     if isSuccess {
      }, cancelAfter: 5)
  default: break
 return false

Info.plist requirements and optional properties

Engagement Engine is looking for two mandatory strings under TEE dictionary, that shoud be provided in Info.plist. TEE/ApiToken and TEE/liveSocketEndpoint

  • TEE (Dictionary)
    • ApiToken (String)
    • liveSocketEndpoint (String)
    • devSocketEndpoint1 (String) // optional socket endpoint, selectable in debug console
    • devSocketEndpointXY (String) // optional socket endpoint, selectable in debug console
    • themeColorHex (String) // optional
    • pointsFontColorHex (String) // optional

Sample implementation

class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {

 var window: UIWindow?

 func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {

  TEE.instance.onCall = { callName in
   print("Tee is making call")

  TEE.instance.onMessageReceived = { message in
   print("Tee is getting message")
  TEE.instance.verbosePrint = true
  TEE.instance.initConnection() // Anonymous init
  TEE.instance.presentingViewController = window?.rootViewController

  return true

 func applicationDidEnterBackground(_ application: UIApplication) {

 func applicationDidBecomeActive(_ application: UIApplication) {
import UIKit
import TeeSDK

class DetailViewController: UIViewController {

 @IBOutlet weak var scrollView: TEEUIScrollViewObservable!
 let pageKey: "productDetail123"
 override func viewDidLoad() {
  // Associating scrollview with expected challenge code
  scrollView.accessibilityIdentifier = ".article-detail.selected .article.scroll"
  TEE.instance.registerChallengesFor(detailPageId: pageKey, view: self.view)
 @IBAction func FBShareAction(_ sender: Any) {
  TEE.instance.fireChallenge(withElementId: ".article-detail.selected .share.facebook")
 deinit {
  TEE.instance.resignViewForChallenges(withKey: pageKey)


iOS SDK for Russmedia Engagement Engine






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