This repository described our scripts and piplines for using Mosaic-seq to functionally evaluate enhancers in K562 cells. Through optimization of key parameters of Mosaic-seq, we demonstrate that both primary and secondary target genes can be identified in the assay. Our investigation of > 500 enhancers in K562 cells reveals an enhancer-centric, interwoven regulatory network that converges to reguate the same sub-modules.
- Numpy
- Scipy
- Pandas
- Matplotlib
- GSEApy
- NetworkX
- Force Atlas 2
- Bezier for NetworkX
GEO accession: GSE129837
Hits Identification
Network Analysis
Downstream Analysis
- First Author: Russell Xie
[email protected]
- Corresponding Author: Gary Hon
[email protected]
Xie S, Armendariz D, Zhou P, Duan J, Hon GC*. Global analysis of enhancer targets reveals convergent enhancer-driven regulatory modules. Cell Reports. 29, 2570–2578.e5 2019 Link to paper