The basic idea is to provide the user with a service that he/she can create profile also post, like and comment on photos.
- Clone the repository
git clone
- Change the working directory
cd Instagram
- Install dependencies (for backend)
npm install
- Change the working directory to client
cd client
- Install dependencies (for frontend)
npm install
- Environment variables
Create .env file in the root folder and add fields for MONGO_URI, JWT_SECRET, NODE_ENV, PORT.
- Run the app
Change the working directory to the root folder
npm run dev
🌟 You are all set!
- Create your insta account on register page and login to it.
- Post your photos with captions to it.
- User can checkout others profiles too.
- User can like, comment on photos.
Please contribute using GitHub Flow. Create a branch, add commits, and open a pull request. Any kind of contributions are welcome!