SSHamble is a research tool for SSH implementations that includes:
- Interesting attacks against authentication
- Post-session authentication attacks
- Pre-authentication state transitions
- Authentication timing analysis
- Post-session enumeration
This project is a work-in-progress and likely to change quickly.
You can reach our team via research[α𝓽]
Binaries are available from the releases page.
To build SSHamble from source, ensure that you have a recent version of Go (1.22.6+) installed.
You can use Go to install a binary into the bin
directory in your GOPATH.
If you are using macOS, you may run into errors at runtime unless you disable CGO before building:
$ export CGO_ENABLED=0
$ go install
To build from source locally:
$ git clone
$ cd sshamble
$ go build -o sshamble
$ ./sshamble -h
To enable experimental badkeys support, run the generator first:
$ git clone
$ cd sshamble
$ go generate ./...
$ go build -o sshamble
$ ./sshamble -h
$ ./sshamble -h
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An exploration tool for (in)secure shell services.
Start a network scan using:
$ ./sshamble scan -o results.json
Analyze the results using:
$ ./sshamble analyze -o results-directory results.json
sshamble [command]
Available Commands:
analyze Analyzes a scan JSON output file and buckets results
help Help about any command
scan Enumerates a set of targets for SSH capabilities and exposures
-h, --help help for sshamble
Use "sshamble [command] --help" for more information about a command.
$ ./sshamble scan -h
Enumerates a set of targets for SSH capabilities and exposures
sshamble scan [-p 22] [-u root,admin] [-o scan.json] [-l scan.log] [--log-level trace] ... [flags]
--categories string The list of categories to include. (default "bypass,gssapi,keyboard,password,pubkey,userenum,vuln")
--checks string The list of checks to run. Non-default ("userenum-none-timing,userenum-password-timing,userenum-pubkey-timing") (default "gssapi-any,keyboard-any,keyboard-empty,keyboard-null,keyboard-user,password-any,password-change-empty,password-change-null,password-empty,password-null,password-user,pubkey-any,pubkey-bulkhalf,pubkey-hunt,pubkey-user,skip-auth,skip-auth-method-empty,skip-auth-method-null,skip-auth-none,skip-auth-pubkeyany,skip-auth-success,skip-ssh-userauth,vuln-generic-env,vuln-gogs-env,vuln-ruckus-password-escape,vuln-softserve-env,vuln-tcp-forward")
--client-version string The client version string to send (default "OpenSSH_9.8p1")
--config string config file (default is $HOME/.sshamble.json)
-h, --help help for scan
-i, --input-targets string The optional file to read targets from
-I, --interact string Open an interactive shell for the 'first', 'all', or 'none' sessions (default "none")
--interact-auto string A comma-separated set of commands to run in the interactive session (default "pty,shell")
-l, --log string The file to write logs to (default is stderr) (default "-")
-L, --log-level string The log level to write (trace,debug,info,warn,error) (default "info")
-m, --max-connections uint The maximum number of concurrent connections (default 5000)
-o, --output string The destination file for JSON output (default "stdout")
--password string An optional password to try for authentication
--password-file string An optional file with clear-text passwords to try for authentication
-p, --ports string The list of ports to check when not specified with the target (comma-separated) (default "22")
--pprof string Start a Go pprof debug listener on the provided port
--private-key string The optional file containing a private key for authentication
--private-key-passphrase string The optional passphrase for a private key file
--pubkey-bulk-limit uint The number of pubkey half-auths to test for max attempts (default 10)
--pubkey-hunt-conn-limit uint The number of public keys to test in each connection (default 250000)
--pubkey-hunt-file string The optional file containing public keys to hunt
--retries uint The retry count for subsequent failed connections after an initial success (default 2)
--timeout uint The number of seconds to wait for a target to respond (default 5)
--userenum-max-per-session-count uint The maximum number of authentication attempts per session (default 1023)
--userenum-test-count uint The number of tests to apply during username enumeration (default 2500)
-u, --users string The list of usernames to test on each target (comma-separated) (default "root")