Подготовительные задания
- краткий повтор системы бухучета и форм отчетности
- перевод первичной отчетности в переменные
- используемые классификаторы (ИНН, ОКПО)
- альтернативные источники статистики (Росстат, ФНС, отраслевые данные)
- системы корпоративной отчетности (СПАРК, БИР-Аналитика)
- краткий сквозной пример работы с данными в python
Подготовка данных
- есть API для доступа к данным
- найдены и устранены ошибки
- оценена полнота данных
Проведена сегментация компаний. Доступны выборки:
- крупные, малые и средние предприятия
- отрасли
- регионы
- перекрестные выборки
Финансовая аналитика:
- расчет показателей финансовой устойчивости
- ситуация банкротства (чистые активы, обслуживание обязательств)
- расчет показателей обслуживание долга (DSCR)
- структура и стоимость капитала фирмы (с дополнительными данными)
Экономическая аналитика
- динамично растущие компании (активы)
- инвестирующие компании
- проблемные активы
- связь отраслевых и корпоративных показателей
- Способы представления результатов
- word/иллюстрации
- ipython / beamer
- latex(kile)
- sweave/pweave
- knitr/ knitpy
- markdown/rst/sphinx
- html/distillpub
- приложения (flask/jekyll/bokeh/plotly)
- doconce
- pandoc
- bibliographies(JabRef)
- Дополнительные темы
воспроизвести списки Эксперт-200,
оценить налоговые поступления региона;
другие предложенные темы.
Instructor resources for "Machine-readable corporate financial statements" course
- upload video: https://github.com/tokland/youtube-upload from s3://video.cmf
- co-instructors:
- course reviewers:
- internships:
- dividends repo
- analysis of corporate structure
- my peer papers/presentation: (1) R&D
https://leader-id.ru/event/10636/# Дата: 23 августа - 31 декабря 2018 Адрес: Россия, Приморский край, г. Владивосток, пос. Аякс, 10, кампус ДВФУ, корпус А, 8 уровень, Точка кипения Владивосток Контактное лицо: Шушарина Татьяна [email protected] +7 (924) 233-99-98
Найти ссылку
- Google dataset search
- doi / citiation
- протянуть тонкий pipeline
- bir / spark
- dataset API
- scope metrics
- corporate map
- research topics and questions
- draft publication
- business service (credit scoring automation)
- policy recommendation (taxation)
- disclosure / statistic survey recommendation
- new financing product
- new research insight (problem, context, solution)
Часть 1. Подготовка данных
ETL удобство доступа, нет потерь данных
SI нет ошибок
EDA notebook всестороннии
RC актуальность+научная новизна понятные, новые
SO задачи и решения нужные
VIZ charts красивые, понятные
PRES pdf/slides интересная
Data access ***********
Clean dataset ***********
Analysis ********************
Presentation ****************
Dessemination ***************
Research / business value (@)
Profit: replicable result, control of data pipeline
- ETL (data engineer) -> API endpoint
- statistics analyst -> data map
- financial analyst -> empriric financial ratios
- researcher -> list of use cases and research questions
- visualisation expert -> all charts
- scientific publisher -> format for publication output
- writer/editor/proof reader
- outreach/PR -> citations
- review of agile methodologies
- ds cookiecutter
- top 3 questions for perfect dataset
- review scientific publishing methodologies
ORG: course organisation
- thesis + data-model-view
- data + excercise + finding + decision case
- slim end-to-end data pipeline build first
- 'agile' methodologies
- corporate reporting and disclosure procedures
- financial statements use cases
- available aggregate data sources and their limitations
- refresher on accounting
- theory of firm, continious reporting, continious assurance
- research as a data pipeline (using ds cookiecutter)
- presentation and delievery of research (open topic)
ETL: load, inspect and clean large tabular dataset
- load data from immutable source
- perform data consistency checks (control datapoints, identities, outliers)
- transform data
- create and document access endpoints (API)
STAT: estimate dataset coverage ratios with respect to other statistics sources
- define and compute comparison metrics (value added, output, debt, fixed assets)
- access comparison datasets
- represent several dimensions of coverage on a chart (map)
*** TODO: add part 2, 3 ***
- Part 1: Data preparation (ETL + validation): data analyst
- Part 2: Excercises, research findings and business cases (EDA - problem space - solutions): researcher/business analyst
- Part 3: Viz, frontend and presentation (notebook, interactive apps, docs, pdfs, etc.): 'artist'/'releaser'/'editor'/'frontend specialist'
Financial statements only:
- understanding bookkeping, double entry, company financial statements as queries general ledger
- capital structure
- profitability
- liquidity, cash flows
- bankruptcies
- fixed assets returns, costs and productivity
Additional datasets (market, official stats, tax, other):
- equity and bond prices
- employment
- R&D
- physical output
- foreign ownership
- industrial stats
- tax reciepts
- real-time data
- machine-readable registries
- news clips and good recearch article references
Corporate map:
- GDP / industries / regions boundary values (official stats)
- stock and bond market stats
- other layers
Use cases:
- value a firm (M&A, investment)
- price borrowing to firm (bonds, bank credit)
- find investment/aquisition targets (private equity)
- predict default events (bank loan monitoring, EWS)
- benchmark project or firm performance (stakeholders)
- make a business plan (startups)
- find new clients (business services)
- evaluate policies (eg taxation, subsidies)
- initiate voluntary disclosure and formats (reporting requirements)
- analyse market structure, industries, regional businesses, SMEs
About authors
1. What do we have covered?
- dataset imperfections
- scope and validation of dataset
- corporate Russia : map and gaps
2. Large corporations
- who grows?
- who invests?
- how firms finance?
- who defaults?
- typical financial ratios
3. Subsets: SME, industries, regions
- how industries are different?
- how are SMEs are doing?
- how regions are different?
4. Conclusions
- how to reproduce this dataset for your own research
- artefects: firm names
- excercise: replicate Expert 200 list
- methodolody: what if we had perfect information? can we have perfect information (best practices in disclosure and open stat)?
- access alternatives: BIR, SPARK, СКРИН
- [ ] dataset downloadable
- [ ] dataset clean (with tests)
- [ ] can compute firm metrics
- [ ] can make subsets of companies
- [ ] list hypothesis and findings formulated
- [ ] options for visualisation defined
- [ ] prose written, edited, accepted
- [ ] output format defined and accepted
- [ ] report cited citations
- [ ] accepting new questions from use cases, acticle replication, controversies, news, etc
- [ ] author credentials written
- [ ] student feedback collected
Collaboration tools:
- slack (?)
- github, s3 (no dropbox)
- trello board (?)
To add:
- course descriptions
- video Link
- previous teaching
- self-study guides
Not covered:
- networks, cross ownership, business groups
Sister projects:
- mini-kep
- GIS regional maps
- dividend reporting
Links bulk:
- http://www.scielo.org.mx/pdf/cys/v21n4/1405-5546-cys-21-04-00809.pdf
- https://www.bcg.com/publications/2018/global-corporate-banking-2018-unlocking-success-through-digital.aspx
- https://fulyankin.github.io/cmf_part2/
- https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/civil-and-environmental-engineering/1-040-project-management-spring-2009/lecture-notes/MIT1_040s09_lec08.pdf
- https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/e87c/e5bf38a7a1390d3a0713a4bb035585b804bb.pdf
- http://www.corpfin.ugent.be/teaching/topicsincorporatefinance/
- https://faculty.chicagobooth.edu/raghuram.rajan/research/papers/The%20Corporation%20in%20Finance%20ver8.pdf
- http://www.nber.org/papersbyprog/CF.html
- https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2018/05/01/the-robots-are-coming-to-corporate-finance/#44c137c056b6
- https://www.ey.com/Publication/vwLUAssets/EY_-_Robotic_process_automation_in_the_Finance_function_of_the_future/$FILE/EY-robotic-process-automation-in-the-finance-function-of-the-future-2016.pdf
- https://github.com/search?q=corporate+finance
Use URIs to identify data. Uniform Resource identifiers (URIs) are a type of web link. They make it easier for your users to point at and draw upon your data. *
Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA):
- set of approaches / philosophy / some phsycology
- developed at start computer age, puts reasoning before computing, plotting by hand
- traditional components: residual analysis, data re-expression, resistant procedures, and data visualization.
- newer components: clustering, variable screening, and pattern recognition
Exploratory data analysis’ is an attitude, a state of flexibility, a willingness to look for those things that we believe are not there, as well as those we believe to be there.
- data is uncertain (measurement error, experiment bias, falsification, data corruption)
- our reading of data is prejudiced
- it takes effort to clean data + extract knowledge from data
R: summary(data)
pandas: df.describe()
- https://www.kaggle.com/ekami66/detailed-exploratory-data-analysis-with-python
- https://www.kaggle.com/pmarcelino/comprehensive-data-exploration-with-python
- EDA Berkley
- EDA in Handbook of Statistical Methods
- Exploratory data analysis and Data visualization by Chong Ho Yu
- Exploratory Data Analysis by Chong Ho Yu