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Created agent to play games using different reinforcement learning techniques
Before executing the code, the following Python libraries need to be installed with a Python version of 3.7:
- mlagents
- pytorch
- tensorflow
- numpy
- wandb
- ipdb
For issues with tensorflow, activate a virtual environment through conda and install the following libraries:
- mlagents
- wandb
- ipdb
To train :
single agent using DQN algorithm, change the working directory to /submission/DQN and execute the Python script
16 agents using DQN algorithm, change the working directory to /submission/MultiagentDQN and execute the Python script
Agent with PPO algorithm, change the working directory to /submission/PPO and execute the Python script
After executing the script, when prompted, follow the steps displayed on the console to create a profile on wandb. We are using wandb to produce the results in a graph format continuously. The results can be seen through the wandb URL displayed after executing the command.