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add trigger event selection
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rspijkers committed Dec 4, 2024
1 parent 0da717d commit c84687f
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Showing 2 changed files with 90 additions and 22 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion PWGLF/Tasks/Strangeness/CMakeLists.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ o2physics_add_dpl_workflow(v0postprocessing

SOURCES cascadecorrelations.cxx
PUBLIC_LINK_LIBRARIES O2Physics::AnalysisCore O2Physics::EventFilteringUtils

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110 changes: 89 additions & 21 deletions PWGLF/Tasks/Strangeness/cascadecorrelations.cxx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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#include "Common/DataModel/Multiplicity.h"
#include "Common/DataModel/PIDResponse.h"
#include "CCDB/BasicCCDBManager.h"
#include "EventFiltering/Zorro.h"

#include <TFile.h>
#include <TList.h>
Expand All @@ -57,6 +58,11 @@ using FullTracksExtIU = soa::Join<aod::TracksIU, aod::TracksExtra, aod::TracksCo
using FullTracksExtWithPID = soa::Join<aod::Tracks, aod::TracksExtra, aod::TracksCov, aod::TracksDCA, aod::pidTPCPi, aod::pidTPCKa, aod::pidTPCPr>;
using FullTracksExtIUWithPID = soa::Join<aod::TracksIU, aod::TracksExtra, aod::TracksCovIU, aod::TracksDCA, aod::pidTPCPi, aod::pidTPCKa, aod::pidTPCPr>;

using myCollisions = soa::Join<aod::Collisions, aod::EvSels>;
using myCollisionsMult = soa::Join<aod::Collisions, aod::EvSels, aod::FT0Mults>;
using myCascades = soa::Filtered<aod::CascDataExtSelected>;
Zorro zorro;

// Add a column to the cascdataext table: IsSelected.
// 0 = not selected, 1 = Xi, 2 = both, 3 = Omega
namespace o2::aod
Expand All @@ -71,15 +77,24 @@ using CascDataExtSelected = soa::Join<CascDataExt, CascadeFlags>;
} // namespace o2::aod

struct cascadeSelector {
Service<o2::ccdb::BasicCCDBManager> ccdb;

Produces<aod::CascadeFlags> cascflags;

// Configurables
Configurable<std::string> ccdburl{"ccdb-url", "", "CCDB url"};
Configurable<bool> useTrigger{"useTrigger", false, "Use trigger selection on skimmed data"};
Configurable<std::string> triggerList{"triggerList", "fDoubleXi, fDoubleOmega, fOmegaXi", "List of triggers used to select events"};
Configurable<bool> doTFBorderCut{"doTFBorderCut", true, "Switch to apply TimeframeBorderCut event selection"};
Configurable<bool> doSel8{"doSel8", true, "Switch to apply sel8 event selection"};

// Tracklevel
Configurable<float> tpcNsigmaBachelor{"tpcNsigmaBachelor", 3, "TPC NSigma bachelor"};
Configurable<float> tpcNsigmaProton{"tpcNsigmaProton", 3, "TPC NSigma proton <- lambda"};
Configurable<float> tpcNsigmaPion{"tpcNsigmaPion", 3, "TPC NSigma pion <- lambda"};
Configurable<int> minTPCCrossedRows{"minTPCCrossedRows", 80, "min N TPC crossed rows"}; // TODO: finetune! 80 > 159/2, so no split tracks?
Configurable<int> minITSClusters{"minITSClusters", 4, "minimum number of ITS clusters"};
// Configurable<float> etaTracks{"etaTracks", 0.8, "min/max of eta for tracks"}
Configurable<float> etaTracks{"etaTracks", 1.0, "min/max of eta for tracks"};

// Selection criteria - compatible with core wagon autodetect - copied from cascadeanalysis.cxx
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -132,23 +147,50 @@ struct cascadeSelector {
{"hITSnClustersPos", "hITSnClustersPos", {HistType::kTH3F, {{8, -0.5, 7.5, "number of ITS clusters"}, invMassAxis, ptAxis}}},
{"hITSnClustersNeg", "hITSnClustersNeg", {HistType::kTH3F, {{8, -0.5, 7.5, "number of ITS clusters"}, invMassAxis, ptAxis}}},
{"hITSnClustersBach", "hITSnClustersBach", {HistType::kTH3F, {{8, -0.5, 7.5, "number of ITS clusters"}, invMassAxis, ptAxis}}},

{"hTriggerQA", "hTriggerQA", {HistType::kTH1F, {{2, -0.5, 1.5, "Trigger y/n"}}}},

// Keep track of which selections the candidates pass
void init(InitContext const&)

auto h = registry.add<TH1>("hSelectionStatus", "hSelectionStatus", HistType::kTH1I, {{10, 0, 10, "status"}});
h->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(1, "All");
h->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(2, "nTPC OK");
h->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(3, "nITS OK");
h->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(4, "Topo OK");
h->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(5, "V0 PID OK");
h->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(6, "Bach PID OK");
h->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(5, "Track eta OK");
h->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(6, "V0 PID OK");
h->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(7, "Bach PID OK");
void process(soa::Join<aod::Collisions, aod::EvSels>::iterator const& collision, aod::CascDataExt const& Cascades, FullTracksExtIUWithPID const&)
void process(myCollisions::iterator const& collision, aod::CascDataExt const& Cascades, FullTracksExtIUWithPID const&, aod::BCsWithTimestamps const&)
bool evSel = true;
auto bc = collision.bc_as<aod::BCsWithTimestamps>();
zorro.initCCDB(ccdb.service, bc.runNumber(), bc.timestamp(), triggerList);
bool eventTrigger = zorro.isSelected(bc.globalBC());
registry.fill(HIST("hTriggerQA"), 1);
} else {
registry.fill(HIST("hTriggerQA"), 0);
evSel = false;

if ((doSel8 && !collision.sel8()) || (doTFBorderCut && !collision.selection_bit(aod::evsel::kNoTimeFrameBorder))) {
evSel = false; // do not skip the collision - this will lead to the cascadeFlag table having less entries than the Cascade table, and therefor not joinable.

for (auto& casc : Cascades) {
if(!evSel) {

// these are the tracks:
auto bachTrack = casc.bachelor_as<FullTracksExtIUWithPID>();
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -211,6 +253,12 @@ struct cascadeSelector {
registry.fill(HIST("hSelectionStatus"), 3); // passes topo
registry.fill(HIST("hMassXi3"), casc.mXi(),;

if (TMath::Abs(posTrack.eta()) > etaTracks || TMath::Abs(negTrack.eta()) > etaTracks || TMath::Abs(bachTrack.eta()) > etaTracks) {
registry.fill(HIST("hSelectionStatus"), 4); // passes track eta

// TODO: TOF (for pT > 2 GeV per track?)

//// TPC PID ////
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -238,25 +286,25 @@ struct cascadeSelector {
registry.fill(HIST("hSelectionStatus"), 4); // fails at V0 daughters PID
registry.fill(HIST("hSelectionStatus"), 5); // passes V0 daughters PID
registry.fill(HIST("hMassXi4"), casc.mXi(),;

// Bachelor check
if (TMath::Abs(bachTrack.tpcNSigmaPi()) < tpcNsigmaBachelor) {
if (TMath::Abs(bachTrack.tpcNSigmaKa()) < tpcNsigmaBachelor) {
// consistent with both!
registry.fill(HIST("hSelectionStatus"), 5); // passes bach PID
registry.fill(HIST("hSelectionStatus"), 6); // passes bach PID
registry.fill(HIST("hMassXi5"), casc.mXi(),;
registry.fill(HIST("hSelectionStatus"), 5); // passes bach PID
registry.fill(HIST("hSelectionStatus"), 6); // passes bach PID
registry.fill(HIST("hMassXi5"), casc.mXi(),;
} else if (TMath::Abs(bachTrack.tpcNSigmaKa()) < tpcNsigmaBachelor) {
registry.fill(HIST("hSelectionStatus"), 5); // passes bach PID
registry.fill(HIST("hSelectionStatus"), 6); // passes bach PID
// if we reach here, the bachelor was neither pion nor kaon
Expand All @@ -267,13 +315,19 @@ struct cascadeSelector {

struct cascadeCorrelations {
Service<o2::ccdb::BasicCCDBManager> ccdb;
OutputObj<ZorroSummary> zorroSummary{"zorroSummary"};

// Configurables
Configurable<float> maxRapidity{"maxRapidity", 0.5, "|y| < maxRapidity"};
Configurable<float> zVertexCut{"zVertexCut", 10, "Cut on PV position"};
Configurable<int> nMixedEvents{"nMixedEvents", 10, "Number of events to be mixed"};
Configurable<bool> doEfficiencyCorrection{"doEfficiencyCorrection", true, "flag to do efficiency corrections"};
Configurable<std::string> ccdburl{"ccdb-url", "", "CCDB url"};
Configurable<bool> useTrigger{"useTrigger", false, "Use trigger selection on skimmed data"};
Configurable<std::string> triggerList{"triggerList", "fDoubleXi, fDoubleOmega, fOmegaXi", "List of triggers used to select events"};
Configurable<std::string> efficiencyCCDBPath{"efficiencyCCDBPath", "Users/r/rspijker/test/EffTest", "Path of the efficiency corrections"};
Configurable<bool> doTFBorderCut{"doTFBorderCut", true, "Switch to apply TimeframeBorderCut event selection"};
Configurable<bool> doSel8{"doSel8", true, "Switch to apply sel8 event selection"};

AxisSpec invMassAxis = {1000, 1.0f, 2.0f, "Inv. Mass (GeV/c^{2})"};
AxisSpec deltaPhiAxis = {180, -PI / 2, 1.5 * PI, "#Delta#varphi"}; // 180 is divisible by 18 (tpc sectors) and 20 (run 2 binning)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -304,6 +358,8 @@ struct cascadeCorrelations {
hEffOmegaMin = static_cast<TH1D*>(effList->FindObject("hOmegaMinEff"));
hEffOmegaPlus = static_cast<TH1D*>(effList->FindObject("hOmegaPlusEff"));


double getEfficiency(TH1D* h, double pT)
Expand All @@ -324,6 +380,9 @@ struct cascadeCorrelations {
{"hMassXiEffCorrected", "hMassXiEffCorrected", {HistType::kTHnSparseF, {invMassAxis, ptAxis, rapidityAxis, vertexAxis, multiplicityAxis}}, true},
{"hMassOmegaEffCorrected", "hMassOmegaEffCorrected", {HistType::kTHnSparseF, {invMassAxis, ptAxis, rapidityAxis, vertexAxis, multiplicityAxis}}, true},

// trigger QA
{"hTriggerQA", "hTriggerQA", {HistType::kTH1F, {{2, -0.5, 1.5, "Trigger y/n"}}}},

// basic selection variables
{"hV0Radius", "hV0Radius", {HistType::kTH1F, {{1000, 0.0f, 100.0f, "cm"}}}},
{"hCascRadius", "hCascRadius", {HistType::kTH1F, {{1000, 0.0f, 100.0f, "cm"}}}},
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -379,17 +438,25 @@ struct cascadeCorrelations {
// cascade filter
Filter Selector = aod::cascadeflags::isSelected > 0;

// Mixed events setup:
using myCascades = soa::Filtered<aod::CascDataExtSelected>;
using myCollisions = soa::Join<aod::Collisions, aod::EvSels, aod::FT0Mults>;

SliceCache cache;
ConfigurableAxis axisVtxZ{"axisVtxZ", {VARIABLE_WIDTH, -10.0f, -8.f, -6.f, -4.f, -2.f, 0.f, 2.f, 4.f, 6.f, 8.f, 10.f}, "Mixing bins - z-vertex"};
ConfigurableAxis axisMult{"axisMult", {VARIABLE_WIDTH, 0, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100, 1000}, "Mixing bins - multiplicity"};
// ConfigurableAxis axisMult{"axisMult", {VARIABLE_WIDTH, 0, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100, 1000}, "Mixing bins - multiplicity"};

void processSameEvent(myCollisions::iterator const& collision, myCascades const& Cascades, aod::V0sLinked const&, aod::V0Datas const&, FullTracksExtIU const&)
void processSameEvent(myCollisionsMult::iterator const& collision, myCascades const& Cascades, aod::V0sLinked const&, aod::V0Datas const&, FullTracksExtIU const&, aod::BCsWithTimestamps const&)
if (!collision.sel8()) {
auto bc = collision.bc_as<aod::BCsWithTimestamps>();
zorro.initCCDB(ccdb.service, bc.runNumber(), bc.timestamp(), triggerList);
bool eventTrigger = zorro.isSelected(bc.globalBC());
registry.fill(HIST("hTriggerQA"), 1);
} else {
registry.fill(HIST("hTriggerQA"), 0);

if ((doSel8 && !collision.sel8()) || (doTFBorderCut && !collision.selection_bit(aod::evsel::kNoTimeFrameBorder))) {

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -589,14 +656,15 @@ struct cascadeCorrelations {
} // correlations
} // process same event

void processMixedEvent(myCollisions const& /*collisions*/, myCascades const& /*Cascades*/,
void processMixedEvent(myCollisionsMult const& /*collisions*/, myCascades const& /*Cascades*/,
aod::V0sLinked const&, aod::V0Datas const&, FullTracksExtIU const&)
// mixed events
using BinningType = ColumnBinningPolicy<aod::collision::PosZ, aod::mult::MultFT0M<aod::mult::MultFT0A, aod::mult::MultFT0C>>;
BinningType colBinning{{axisVtxZ, axisMult}, true}; // true is for 'ignore overflows' (true by default). Underflows and overflows will have bin -1.
// Preslice<aod::CascDataExtSelected> collisionSliceCascades = aod::CascDataExtSelected::collisionId;
SameKindPair<myCollisions, myCascades, BinningType> pair{colBinning, nMixedEvents, -1, &cache};
// using BinningType = ColumnBinningPolicy<aod::collision::PosZ, aod::mult::MultFT0M<aod::mult::MultFT0A, aod::mult::MultFT0C>>;
// BinningType colBinning{{axisVtxZ, axisMult}, true}; // true is for 'ignore overflows' (true by default). Underflows and overflows will have bin -1.
using BinningType = ColumnBinningPolicy<aod::collision::PosZ>;
BinningType colBinning{{axisVtxZ}, true}; // true is for 'ignore overflows' (true by default). Underflows and overflows will have bin -1.
SameKindPair<myCollisionsMult, myCascades, BinningType> pair{colBinning, nMixedEvents, -1, &cache};

for (auto& [col1, cascades1, col2, cascades2] : pair) {
if (!col1.sel8() || !col2.sel8())
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