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PWGCF: FemtoUniverse -- Efficiency task for FemtoUniverse (first comm…
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* Efficiency task for FemtoUniverse - first commit, only track-track for now

* Removing whitespaces

* Alibuild fix


Co-authored-by: Zuzanna Chochulska <[email protected]>
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zchochul and Zuzanna Chochulska authored Jul 18, 2024
1 parent 362574b commit 08d77e4
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Showing 2 changed files with 276 additions and 0 deletions.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions PWGCF/FemtoUniverse/Tasks/CMakeLists.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -79,6 +79,11 @@ o2physics_add_dpl_workflow(femtouniverse-efficiency-task
PUBLIC_LINK_LIBRARIES O2::Framework O2Physics::AnalysisCore

SOURCES femtoUniverseEfficiencyBase.cxx
PUBLIC_LINK_LIBRARIES O2::Framework O2Physics::AnalysisCore

SOURCES femtoUniverseCutCulator.cxx
PUBLIC_LINK_LIBRARIES O2::Framework O2Physics::AnalysisCore
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271 changes: 271 additions & 0 deletions PWGCF/FemtoUniverse/Tasks/femtoUniverseEfficiencyBase.cxx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
// Copyright 2019-2022 CERN and copyright holders of ALICE O2.
// See for details of the copyright holders.
// All rights not expressly granted are reserved.
// This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
// License v3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".
// In applying this license CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities
// granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization
// or submit itself to any jurisdiction.

/// \file femtoUniverseEfficiencyBase.cxx
/// \brief Tasks that reads the track tables used for the pairing and builds pairs of two tracks
/// \author Zuzanna Chochulska, WUT Warsaw & CTU Prague, [email protected]

#include <vector>
#include <random>
#include "Framework/AnalysisTask.h"
#include "Framework/runDataProcessing.h"
#include "Framework/HistogramRegistry.h"
#include "Framework/ASoAHelpers.h"
#include "Framework/RunningWorkflowInfo.h"
#include "Framework/StepTHn.h"
#include "Framework/O2DatabasePDGPlugin.h"
#include "TDatabasePDG.h"

#include "PWGCF/FemtoUniverse/DataModel/FemtoDerived.h"
#include "PWGCF/FemtoUniverse/Core/FemtoUniverseParticleHisto.h"
#include "PWGCF/FemtoUniverse/Core/FemtoUniverseEventHisto.h"
#include "PWGCF/FemtoUniverse/Core/FemtoUniversePairCleaner.h"
#include "PWGCF/FemtoUniverse/Core/FemtoUniverseContainer.h"
#include "PWGCF/FemtoUniverse/Core/FemtoUtils.h"
#include "PWGCF/FemtoUniverse/Core/FemtoUniverseTrackSelection.h"

using namespace o2;
using namespace o2::analysis::femtoUniverse;
using namespace o2::framework;
using namespace o2::framework::expressions;
using namespace o2::soa;

static constexpr int nPart = 2;
static constexpr int nCuts = 5;
static const std::vector<std::string> partNames{"PartOne", "PartTwo"};
static const std::vector<std::string> cutNames{"MaxPt", "PIDthr", "nSigmaTPC", "nSigmaTPCTOF", "MaxP"};
static const float cutsTable[nPart][nCuts]{
{4.05f, 1.f, 3.f, 3.f, 100.f},
{4.05f, 1.f, 3.f, 3.f, 100.f}};
} // namespace

struct femtoUniverseEfficiencyBase {
SliceCache cache;
Preslice<aod::FDParticles> perCol = aod::femtouniverseparticle::fdCollisionId;

/// Particle selection part
/// Configurables for both particles
Configurable<int> ConfNspecies{"ConfNspecies", 2, "Number of particle spieces with PID info"};
Configurable<LabeledArray<float>> ConfCutTable{"ConfCutTable", {cutsTable[0], nPart, nCuts, partNames, cutNames}, "Particle selections"};
Configurable<bool> ConfUse3D{"ConfUse3D", false, "Enable three dimensional histogramms (to be used only for analysis with high statistics): k* vs mT vs multiplicity"};
Configurable<float> ConfEtaMax{"ConfEtaMax", 0.8f, "Higher limit for |Eta| (the same for both particles)"};

/// Particle 1
Configurable<int32_t> ConfPDGCodePartOne{"ConfPDGCodePartOne", 2212, "Particle 1 - PDG code"};
Configurable<bool> ConfNoPDGPartOne{"ConfNoPDGPartOne", false, "0: selecting part by PDG, 1: no PID selection"};
Configurable<float> ConfPtLowPart1{"ConfPtLowPart1", 0.2, "Lower limit for Pt for the first particle"};
Configurable<float> ConfPtHighPart1{"ConfPtHighPart1", 2.5, "Higher limit for Pt for the first particle"};

/// Partition for particle 1
Partition<aod::FDParticles> partsOneMCGen = (aod::femtouniverseparticle::partType == uint8_t(aod::femtouniverseparticle::ParticleType::kMCTruthTrack)) && (ConfNoPDGPartOne || aod::femtouniverseparticle::pidcut == uint32_t(ConfPDGCodePartOne)) &&
aod::femtouniverseparticle::pt < ConfPtHighPart1 && aod::femtouniverseparticle::pt > ConfPtLowPart1&& nabs(aod::femtouniverseparticle::eta) < ConfEtaMax;

Partition<aod::FDParticles> partsTrackOneMCReco = (aod::femtouniverseparticle::partType == uint8_t(aod::femtouniverseparticle::ParticleType::kTrack));

/// Histogramming for particle 1
FemtoUniverseParticleHisto<aod::femtouniverseparticle::ParticleType::kMCTruthTrack, 1> trackHistoPartOneGen;
FemtoUniverseParticleHisto<aod::femtouniverseparticle::ParticleType::kTrack, 1> trackHistoPartOneRec;

/// Particle 2
Configurable<bool> ConfIsSame{"ConfIsSame", false, "Pairs of the same particle"};
Configurable<int32_t> ConfPDGCodePartTwo{"ConfPDGCodePartTwo", 333, "Particle 2 - PDG code"};
Configurable<bool> ConfNoPDGPartTwo{"ConfNoPDGPartTwo", false, "0: selecting part by PDG, 1: no PID selection"};
Configurable<float> ConfPtLowPart2{"ConfPtLowPart2", 0.2, "Lower limit for Pt for the second particle"};
Configurable<float> ConfPtHighPart2{"ConfPtHighPart2", 2.5, "Higher limit for Pt for the second particle"};

/// Partition for particle 2
Partition<aod::FDParticles> partsTwoGen = (aod::femtouniverseparticle::partType == uint8_t(aod::femtouniverseparticle::ParticleType::kMCTruthTrack)) && (ConfNoPDGPartTwo || aod::femtouniverseparticle::pidcut == uint32_t(ConfPDGCodePartTwo)) &&
aod::femtouniverseparticle::pt < ConfPtHighPart2 && aod::femtouniverseparticle::pt > ConfPtLowPart2&& nabs(aod::femtouniverseparticle::eta) < ConfEtaMax;

Partition<aod::FDParticles> partsTrackTwoMCReco = (aod::femtouniverseparticle::partType == uint8_t(aod::femtouniverseparticle::ParticleType::kTrack));

/// Histogramming for particle 2
FemtoUniverseParticleHisto<aod::femtouniverseparticle::ParticleType::kMCTruthTrack, 2> trackHistoPartTwoGen;
FemtoUniverseParticleHisto<aod::femtouniverseparticle::ParticleType::kTrack, 2> trackHistoPartTwoRec;

/// Histogramming for Event
FemtoUniverseEventHisto eventHisto;

/// The configurables need to be passed to an std::vector
int vPIDPartOne, vPIDPartTwo;
std::vector<float> kNsigma;

/// particle part
ConfigurableAxis ConfTempFitVarpTBins{"ConfTempFitVarpTBins", {20, 0.5, 4.05}, "pT binning of the pT vs. TempFitVar plot"};
ConfigurableAxis ConfTempFitVarPDGBins{"ConfDTempFitVarInvMassBins", {6000, -2300, 2300}, "binning of the TempFitVar in the pT vs. TempFitVar plot"};

/// Correlation part
ConfigurableAxis ConfMultBins{"ConfMultBins", {VARIABLE_WIDTH, 0.0f, 4.0f, 8.0f, 12.0f, 16.0f, 20.0f, 24.0f, 28.0f, 32.0f, 36.0f, 40.0f, 44.0f, 48.0f, 52.0f, 56.0f, 60.0f, 64.0f, 68.0f, 72.0f, 76.0f, 80.0f, 84.0f, 88.0f, 92.0f, 96.0f, 100.0f, 200.0f, 99999.f}, "Mixing bins - multiplicity"}; // \todo to be obtained from the hash task
ConfigurableAxis ConfVtxBins{"ConfVtxBins", {VARIABLE_WIDTH, -10.0f, -8.f, -6.f, -4.f, -2.f, 0.f, 2.f, 4.f, 6.f, 8.f, 10.f}, "Mixing bins - z-vertex"};

ConfigurableAxis ConfmTBins3D{"ConfmTBins3D", {VARIABLE_WIDTH, 1.02f, 1.14f, 1.20f, 1.26f, 1.38f, 1.56f, 1.86f, 4.50f}, "mT Binning for the 3Dimensional plot: k* vs multiplicity vs mT (set <<ConfUse3D>> to true in order to use)"};
ConfigurableAxis ConfmultBins3D{"ConfmultBins3D", {VARIABLE_WIDTH, 0.0f, 20.0f, 30.0f, 40.0f, 99999.0f}, "multiplicity Binning for the 3Dimensional plot: k* vs multiplicity vs mT (set <<ConfUse3D>> to true in order to use)"};

ColumnBinningPolicy<aod::collision::PosZ, aod::femtouniversecollision::MultNtr> colBinning{{ConfVtxBins, ConfMultBins}, true};

ConfigurableAxis ConfkstarBins{"ConfkstarBins", {1500, 0., 6.}, "binning kstar"};
ConfigurableAxis ConfkTBins{"ConfkTBins", {150, 0., 9.}, "binning kT"};
ConfigurableAxis ConfmTBins{"ConfmTBins", {225, 0., 7.5}, "binning mT"};
Configurable<int> ConfNEventsMix{"ConfNEventsMix", 5, "Number of events for mixing"};
Configurable<bool> ConfIsCPR{"ConfIsCPR", true, "Close Pair Rejection"};
Configurable<bool> ConfCPRPlotPerRadii{"ConfCPRPlotPerRadii", false, "Plot CPR per radii"};
Configurable<int> ConfPhiBins{"ConfPhiBins", 29, "Number of phi bins in deta dphi"};
Configurable<int> ConfEtaBins{"ConfEtaBins", 29, "Number of eta bins in deta dphi"};

FemtoUniverseContainer<femtoUniverseContainer::EventType::same, femtoUniverseContainer::Observable::kstar> sameEventCont;
// FemtoUniversePairCleaner<aod::femtouniverseparticle::ParticleType::kMCTruthTrack, aod::femtouniverseparticle::ParticleType::kMCTruthTrack> pairCleaner;
/// Histogram output
HistogramRegistry qaRegistry{"TrackQA", {}, OutputObjHandlingPolicy::AnalysisObject};
HistogramRegistry resultRegistry{"Correlations", {}, OutputObjHandlingPolicy::AnalysisObject};
HistogramRegistry MixQaRegistry{"MixQaRegistry", {}, OutputObjHandlingPolicy::AnalysisObject};

/// @brief Counter for particle swapping
int fNeventsProcessed = 0;

void init(InitContext&)

trackHistoPartOneGen.init(&qaRegistry, ConfTempFitVarpTBins, ConfTempFitVarPDGBins, 0, ConfPDGCodePartOne, false);
trackHistoPartOneRec.init(&qaRegistry, ConfTempFitVarpTBins, ConfTempFitVarPDGBins, 0, ConfPDGCodePartOne, false);
if (!ConfIsSame) {
trackHistoPartTwoGen.init(&qaRegistry, ConfTempFitVarpTBins, ConfTempFitVarPDGBins, 0, ConfPDGCodePartTwo, false);
trackHistoPartTwoRec.init(&qaRegistry, ConfTempFitVarpTBins, ConfTempFitVarPDGBins, 0, ConfPDGCodePartTwo, false);

MixQaRegistry.add("MixingQA/hSECollisionBins", ";bin;Entries", kTH1F, {{120, -0.5, 119.5}});

sameEventCont.init(&resultRegistry, ConfkstarBins, ConfMultBins, ConfkTBins, ConfmTBins, ConfmultBins3D, ConfmTBins3D, ConfEtaBins, ConfPhiBins, 0, ConfUse3D);
sameEventCont.setPDGCodes(ConfPDGCodePartOne, ConfPDGCodePartTwo);
// pairCleaner.init(&qaRegistry);

template <typename CollisionType>
void fillCollision(CollisionType col)
MixQaRegistry.fill(HIST("MixingQA/hSECollisionBins"), colBinning.getBin({col.posZ(), col.multNtr()}));

/// This function processes the same event and takes care of all the histogramming
/// \todo the trivial loops over the tracks should be factored out since they will be common to all combinations of T-T, T-V0, V0-V0, ...
/// @tparam PartitionType
/// @tparam PartType
/// @tparam isMC: enables Monte Carlo truth specific histograms
/// @param grouppartsOneMCGen partition for the first particle passed by the process function
/// @param grouppartsTwoGen partition for the second particle passed by the process function
/// @param parts femtoUniverseParticles table (in case of Monte Carlo joined with FemtoUniverseMCLabels)
/// @param magFieldTesla magnetic field of the collision
/// @param multCol multiplicity of the collision
template <bool isMC, typename PartitionType>
void doMCGen(PartitionType grouppartsOneMCGen, PartitionType grouppartsTwoGen, float /*magFieldTesla*/, int multCol)
bool swpart = fNeventsProcessed % 2;

/// Histogramming same event
for (auto& part : grouppartsOneMCGen) {

trackHistoPartOneGen.fillQA<isMC, false>(part);

if (!ConfIsSame) {
for (auto& part : grouppartsTwoGen) {

trackHistoPartTwoGen.fillQA<isMC, false>(part);
/// Now build the combinations
for (auto& [p1, p2] : combinations(CombinationsStrictlyUpperIndexPolicy(grouppartsOneMCGen, grouppartsTwoGen))) {
// track cleaning
// if (!pairCleaner.isCleanPair(p1, p2, parts)) {
// continue;
// }
if (swpart)
sameEventCont.setPair<isMC>(p1, p2, multCol, ConfUse3D);
sameEventCont.setPair<isMC>(p2, p1, multCol, ConfUse3D);

swpart = !swpart;

/// This function processes the same event and takes care of all the histogramming
/// \todo the trivial loops over the tracks should be factored out since they will be common to all combinations of T-T, T-V0, V0-V0, ...
/// @tparam PartitionType
/// @tparam PartType
/// @tparam isMC: enables Monte Carlo truth specific histograms
/// @param grouppartsOneMCGen partition for the first particle passed by the process function
/// @param grouppartsTwoGen partition for the second particle passed by the process function
/// @param parts femtoUniverseParticles table (in case of Monte Carlo joined with FemtoUniverseMCLabels)
/// @param magFieldTesla magnetic field of the collision
/// @param multCol multiplicity of the collision
template <bool isMC, typename PartitionType>
void doMCRec(PartitionType grouppartsOneMCGen, PartitionType grouppartsTwoGen, float /*magFieldTesla*/, int multCol)
bool swpart = fNeventsProcessed % 2;

/// Histogramming same event
for (auto& part : grouppartsOneMCGen) {

trackHistoPartOneRec.fillQA<isMC, false>(part);

if (!ConfIsSame) {
for (auto& part : grouppartsTwoGen) {

trackHistoPartTwoRec.fillQA<isMC, false>(part);
/// Now build the combinations
for (auto& [p1, p2] : combinations(CombinationsStrictlyUpperIndexPolicy(grouppartsOneMCGen, grouppartsTwoGen))) {
// track cleaning
// if (!pairCleaner.isCleanPair(p1, p2, parts)) {
// continue;
// }
if (swpart)
sameEventCont.setPair<isMC>(p1, p2, multCol, ConfUse3D);
sameEventCont.setPair<isMC>(p2, p1, multCol, ConfUse3D);

swpart = !swpart;

/// process function for to call doMCPlots with Data
/// \param col subscribe to the collision table (Data)
/// \param parts subscribe to the femtoUniverseParticleTable
void processTrackTrack(o2::aod::FDCollision& col,
// MCGen
auto thegrouppartsOneMCGen = partsOneMCGen->sliceByCached(aod::femtouniverseparticle::fdCollisionId, col.globalIndex(), cache);
auto thegrouppartsTwoGen = partsTwoGen->sliceByCached(aod::femtouniverseparticle::fdCollisionId, col.globalIndex(), cache);
doMCGen<false>(thegrouppartsOneMCGen, thegrouppartsTwoGen, col.magField(), col.multNtr());
// MCRec
auto thegroupPartsTrackOneRec = partsTrackOneMCReco->sliceByCached(aod::femtouniverseparticle::fdCollisionId, col.globalIndex(), cache);
auto thegroupPartsTrackTwoReco = partsTrackTwoMCReco->sliceByCached(aod::femtouniverseparticle::fdCollisionId, col.globalIndex(), cache);
doMCRec<false>(thegroupPartsTrackOneRec, thegroupPartsTrackTwoReco, col.magField(), col.multNtr());
PROCESS_SWITCH(femtoUniverseEfficiencyBase, processTrackTrack, "Enable processing track-track efficiency task", true);

WorkflowSpec defineDataProcessing(ConfigContext const& cfgc)
WorkflowSpec workflow{
return workflow;

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