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Signal priority and ETSI J2735

David Otterdahl edited this page Jun 7, 2022 · 4 revisions

With the release of SXL 1.1 for traffic lights, a dedicated signal priority command and status were added.

  • M0033 - Request signal priority
  • S0033 - Signal priority status

Mapping between RSMP M0022/S0033 and ETSI/J2735

In the future it is likely that a ETSI/J2735 <-> RSMP converter needs to be established as part of the NordicWay3 project, and therefore it is desirable the standards match as closely as possible to avoid confusion. Therefore, RSMP Nordic suggests that any conversion between ETSI/J2735 should be done in the following manner:

A comparison of the 's' field in the S0033 message:

RSMP S0033 J2735/ETSI Comment
N/A unknown
received requested
queued processing
activated granted
N/A watchOtherTraffic E.g. all red
completed N/A
timeout maxPresence Prioirization never gets activated (queued for too long)
rejected rejected
cooldown reserviceLocked Prior conditions causes the priority request to be rejected. The controller requires the passage of time before another similar request will be accepted
stale N/A Priority active for too long without cancellation

And in the request message, M0022:

RSMP M0022 J2735/ETSI
connectionId laneConnectionId
laneInId/laneOutId inBoundlane/outBoundlane
type priorityRequestType
vehicleType basicVehicleRole