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This repository was archived by the owner on Feb 24, 2025. It is now read-only.

tool to help identify empty indices that can be removed; particularly those that have resulted from max_age ILM rollovers.

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⚠️ Deprecated: Consider this project dereprecated as it is not of much use for more recent Elasticsearch releases, particularly after 8.4.


Sharing this as there could be situations where this could be used, but I am no longer testing this.

⚠️Use at your own risk.⚠️


tool to help identify empty indices that can be removed; particularly those that have resulted from max_age ILM rollovers. The tool will organize the empty indices into groups, and will provide a separate output for each subset. This will also generate files containing the DELETE API calls for the different groupings. I attempt to break the DELETEs into separate 4KB requests. The API calls are written for Kibana Dev Tools Console. This all started with a series of oneliners that I put together into a script over time. (so it's messy, but it works).

But why? Why not just delete all the empty things?

Main reasons I had in mind:

  1. Indices using ILM rollovers - Deleting the current write index breaks the rollover. You will also encounter errors when you try to write to the alias.
  2. Datastreams - While you cannot delete the current write index of a data stream, attempting to do so will produce an error. So you have to make sure a write index is not specified when deleting in bulk. This makes deleting the datastream backing indices a tedious process.
  3. Avoid accidental deletions. Using index patterns to delete batches of indices is risky. Also, a cluster might have action-destructive-requires-name enabled to begin with, preventing the use of wildcards.
  4. This is faster than scrolling through pages and pages of indices in Kibana

This currently creates separate outputs for:

  1. ALL Empty Indices
  2. Empty User indices (aka indices that don't begin with "."; including datastreams)
  3. Empty ILM rollover indices
  4. Empty ILM rollover non-system/hidden indices
  5. Empty ILM rollover and non write indices
  6. Empty ILM rollover non-system/hidden and not current write indices
  7. Empty non-write datastream backing indices
  8. Empty frozen searchable snapshot indices
  9. Empty cold searchable snapshot indices

As a safety precaution, a DELETE will be automatically created for only 5 through 9. You probably don't want to delete current write indices. Though a command to generate DELETEs for 1-4 IS provided in the summary file if you wish to run that separately - though I would not suggest it.

⚠️ Note, deleting empty searchable snapshot indices does not remove the searchable snapshot


  • macOS or linux
  • jq
  • An elasticsearch support diagnostic link or manually create these individual files using the provided APIs:
    • indices_stats.json (GET */_stats?level=shards&pretty&human&expand_wildcards=all)
    • cat/cat_aliases.txt (GET _cat/aliases?v)
    • (optional)commercial/data_stream.json (GET _data_stream?pretty&expand_wildcards=all)
    • (optional)commercial/ilm_policies.json (GET /_ilm/policy?human&pretty

Example of expected directory structure:

$ tree
├── cat
│   └── cat_aliases.txt
├── commercial
│   ├── data_stream.json
│   └── ilm_policies.json
└── indices_stats.json


Run the script from the main diagnostic folder (or same directory as indices_stats.json where cat_aliases.txt in acat subdirectory and data_stream.json+ilm_policies.json are in a commercial subdirectory)

$ pwd

$ /Users/rseldner/Documents/GitHub/empty-index-cleanup/

Terminal output:

################ Empty Index Cleanup Summary [START] ################

1080 Total empty indices(1)
1066 Empty ILM rollover indices (3)
1035 Empty non-system indices (2)
1033 Empty non-system ILM rollover indices(4)
993 * Empty non-write ILM rollover indices(5)
966 * Empty non-system AND non-write ILM rollover indices(6)
6 * Empty frozen searchable snapshot indices(8)
0 * Empty non-write datastream backing indices(7)
0 * Empty cold searchable snapshot indices(9)

* = safest to remove (exclude write indices)

See es_empty_index_cleanup/0-es_index_cleanup_summary.txt and output files in es_empty_index_cleanup path for details

	 less es_empty_index_cleanup/0-es_index_cleanup_summary.txt

################ Empty Index Cleanup Summary [END] ################

##### 💰 Total Shards Savings (cluster wide) [START] 💰 #####

Shards | Group Filename
2154  	 1-es_index_cleanup_all_empty.txt
2064  	 2-es_index_cleanup_all_empty_user.txt
2126  	 3-es_index_cleanup_all_empty_ilm.txt
2060  	 4-es_index_cleanup_all_empty_ilm_non_sys.txt
1986  	 5-es_index_cleanup_all_empty_ilm_non_write.txt
1932  	 6-es_index_cleanup_all_empty_ilm_non_sys_non_write.txt
0  	 7-es_index_cleanup_all_empty_non_write_datastreams.txt
6  	 8-all_empty_frozen_searchable_snapshots.txt
0  	 9-all_empty_cold_searchable_snapshots.txt

###### 💰 Total Shards Savings (cluster wide) [END] 💰 ######

################# ILM POLICY REVIEW [START] #################

The following ILM policies are associated with empty indices.
Consider adjusting the rollover max_age setting and/or the Delete phase min_age
In Elasticsearch 8.4 and above, you can add min_* settings
In Elasticsearch 8.5 and above, there is an indices.lifecycle.rollover.only_if_has_documents cluster level setting

Policy                             empty count  rollover max_age  delete in_age
stage                              515          1d                13d
dev                                505          1d                8d
.siem-signals-default              12           30d               unset
.siem-signals-outside-development  11           30d               unset
apm-rollover-30-days               10           unset             2d
metricbeat                         8            30d               unset
slm-history-ilm-policy             4            30d               90d
ilm-history-ilm-policy             4            30d               90d
.siem-signals-admins               4            30d               unset
prod                               1            unset             unset
filebeat                           1            15d               7d
.lists-default                     1            unset             unset
.items-default                     1            unset             unset

Summary file output:

################ Empty Index Cleanup Summary [START] ################

Use this to identify and quickly remove empty indices.

Particularly created this for when a large amount of indices are inadvertently created due to ILM max_age rollovers

⭐ My goto output is the Empty non-write ILM rollover indices file: ⭐ 5-es_index_cleanup_all_empty_ilm_non_write.txt ⭐


1080 Total empty indices
🛑 Notes:  Recommended for general reference purposes.
File (list): es_empty_index_cleanup/1-es_index_cleanup_all_empty.txt

Terminal Command to generate a DELETE file (copy/paste to run):

echo DELETE $(cat es_empty_index_cleanup/1-es_index_cleanup_all_empty.txt| paste -s -d, -) > es_empty_index_cleanup/1-es_index_cleanup_all_empty.txt-DELETE.txt


1035 Empty User indices
🟡 Notes: User/Custom Indices.  Excludes indices beggining with a "."
File (list): es_empty_index_cleanup/2-es_index_cleanup_all_empty_user.txt
Terminal Command to generate a DELETE file (copy/paste to run):

echo DELETE $(cat es_empty_index_cleanup/2-es_index_cleanup_all_empty_user.txt| paste -s -d, -) > es_empty_index_cleanup/2-es_index_cleanup_all_empty_user.txt-DELETE.txt


1066 Empty ILM rollover indices
🟡 Notes: ❕Caution - This includes system and current write indices
File (list): es_empty_index_cleanup/3-es_index_cleanup_all_empty_ilm.txt
Terminal Command to generate a DELETE file (copy/paste to run):

echo DELETE $(cat es_empty_index_cleanup/3-es_index_cleanup_all_empty_ilm.txt| paste -s -d, -) > es_empty_index_cleanup/3-es_index_cleanup_all_empty_ilm.txt-DELETE.txt


1033 Empty non-system ILM rollover indices
🟡 Notes: ❕Caution - This includes the current write indices.
File (list): es_empty_index_cleanup/4-es_index_cleanup_all_empty_ilm_non_sys.txt
Terminal Command to generate a DELETE file (copy/paste to run):

echo DELETE $(cat es_empty_index_cleanup/4-es_index_cleanup_all_empty_ilm_non_sys.txt| paste -s -d, -) > es_empty_index_cleanup/4-es_index_cleanup_all_empty_ilm_non_sys.txt-DELETE.txt


993 Empty non-write ILM rollover indices
🟢 Notes: Subset of #3.  Safer but note that it includes system/hidden indices (there *may* be a situation where a need a super "duper" user is needed 8.x.  Have not run into this yet though.)
File (list): es_empty_index_cleanup/5-es_index_cleanup_all_empty_ilm_non_write.txt

File containing DELETE was automatically created by script:
	less es_empty_index_cleanup/5-es_index_cleanup_all_empty_ilm_non_write.txt-DELETE.txt


966 Empty non-system AND non-write ILM rollover indices
🟢 Notes: Subset of #4. Safest to remove
File (list): es_empty_index_cleanup/6-es_index_cleanup_all_empty_ilm_non_sys_non_write.txt

File containing DELETE was automatically created by script:
	less es_empty_index_cleanup/6-es_index_cleanup_all_empty_ilm_non_sys_non_write.txt-DELETE.txt


0 Empty non-write datastream backing indices
🟢 Notes: Subset of #3. Safe to remove
File (list): es_empty_index_cleanup/7-es_index_cleanup_all_empty_non_write_datastreams.txt

File containing DELETE was automatically created by script:
	less es_empty_index_cleanup/7-es_index_cleanup_all_empty_non_write_datastreams.txt-DELETE.txt


6 Empty frozen searchable snapshot indices
🟢 Notes: Subset of #1. Presumed safe as they would not be write indices and are in a snapshot
File (list): es_empty_index_cleanup/8-all_empty_frozen_searchable_snapshots.txt

File containing DELETE was automatically created by script:
	less es_empty_index_cleanup/8-all_empty_frozen_searchable_snapshots.txt-DELETE.txt


0 Empty cold searchable snapshot indices
🟢 Notes: Subset of #1. Presumed safe as they would not be write indices and are in a snapshot
File (list): es_empty_index_cleanup/9-all_empty_cold_searchable_snapshots.txt

File containing DELETE was automatically created by script:
	less es_empty_index_cleanup/9-all_empty_cold_searchable_snapshots.txt-DELETE.txt

################ Empty Index Cleanup Summary [END] ################

Output Files in es_index_cleanup directory

$ ls -l es_empty_index_cleanup
total 616
-rw-r--r--@ 1 rseldner  staff   4649 Mar 27 13:46 0-es_index_cleanup_summary.txt
-rw-r--r--  1 rseldner  staff  35745 Mar 27 13:45 1-es_index_cleanup_all_empty.txt
-rw-r--r--  1 rseldner  staff  34172 Mar 27 13:45 2-es_index_cleanup_all_empty_user.txt
-rw-r--r--  1 rseldner  staff  35166 Mar 27 13:45 3-es_index_cleanup_all_empty_ilm.txt
-rw-r--r--  1 rseldner  staff  34123 Mar 27 13:45 4-es_index_cleanup_all_empty_ilm_non_sys.txt
-rw-r--r--  1 rseldner  staff  32810 Mar 27 13:45 5-es_index_cleanup_all_empty_ilm_non_write.txt
-rw-r--r--  1 rseldner  staff  32970 Mar 27 13:46 5-es_index_cleanup_all_empty_ilm_non_write.txt-DELETE.txt
-rw-r--r--  1 rseldner  staff  31931 Mar 27 13:46 6-es_index_cleanup_all_empty_ilm_non_sys_non_write.txt
-rw-r--r--@ 1 rseldner  staff  32091 Mar 27 13:46 6-es_index_cleanup_all_empty_ilm_non_sys_non_write.txt-DELETE.txt
-rw-r--r--  1 rseldner  staff      0 Mar 27 13:46 7-es_index_cleanup_all_empty_non_write_datastreams.txt
-rw-r--r--  1 rseldner  staff      8 Mar 27 13:46 7-es_index_cleanup_all_empty_non_write_datastreams.txt-DELETE.txt
-rw-r--r--  1 rseldner  staff    242 Mar 27 13:46 8-all_empty_frozen_searchable_snapshots.txt
-rw-r--r--  1 rseldner  staff    249 Mar 27 13:46 8-all_empty_frozen_searchable_snapshots.txt-DELETE.txt
-rw-r--r--  1 rseldner  staff      0 Mar 27 13:46 9-all_empty_cold_searchable_snapshots.txt
-rw-r--r--  1 rseldner  staff      8 Mar 27 13:46 9-all_empty_cold_searchable_snapshots.txt-DELETE.txt
-rw-r--r--  1 rseldner  staff    413 Mar 27 13:50 es_empty_ilm_indices_policies.csv

List file output:

$ cat 5-es_index_cleanup_all_empty_ilm_non_write.txt


DELETE file output:

$ cat 5-es_index_cleanup_all_empty_ilm_non_write.txt-DELETE.txt

DELETE .kibana-event-log-7.16.0-000005,.kibana-event-log-7.16.0-000006,.kibana-event-log-7.16.0-000007,.siem-signals-default-000001,....

# Next steps: No Next Steps. 🪦

  • [X]] split into separate <4KB DELETEs. Done but can be improved with some creative math.
  • identify and rule out current write index for data streams. Related elastic/elasticsearch#86633
    • account for datastreams that only have one backing index. update logic to exclude these. This might already be fine, but need to specifically verify.
  • generate a list of ILM policies that may need to have max_age removed/adjusted and a DELETE phase added
  • produce a shard count for each grouping
    • came up with 3 possible count methods.
    • decide on a method. cat indices seems good enough.
  • validate ILM managed indices by checking actual ILM outputs rather than assuming based on an index name's numerical suffix. though this might not be important. Does it matter if an empty index is misinterpreted as being ILM managed?
  • switch to checking alias.json for write indices instead of _cat/aliases as cat APIs are not recommended for programatic parsing. risk of breaking in the future. This might be slower.
  • Mention new preventative settings
  • simulated _cat/allocation. Not sure if worth the effort.
  • Clean it all up


tool to help identify empty indices that can be removed; particularly those that have resulted from max_age ILM rollovers.






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