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Grok Variants and matching
This page is a part of the Grokking Nemerle tutorial.
Variants (called data types or sum types in SML and OCaml are forms of expressing data of several different kinds.
Matching is a way of destructuring complex data structures, especially variants.
The simplest example of variants are enum types known from C.
// C
enum Color {
// Nemerle
variant Color {
| Red
| Yellow
| Green
Note that you can define C#-like enum
types in Nemerle anyway.
// Nemerle
enum Color {
| Red
| Yellow
| Green
However, the variant options might be more useful because they can carry some extra data with them:
variant RgbColor {
| Red
| Yellow
| Green
| Different {
red : float;
green : float;
blue : float;
So if color is neither red, yellow nor green, it can be represented with RGB. You can create variant object just like any other object, by using its constructor (which is always implicitly provided):
// ...
def _blue = RgbColor.Different (0f, 0f, 1f);
def _red = RgbColor.Red ();
You can think about variants as of a union with a selector in C. In the OO world, modeling variants with sub classing can be seen sometimes:
// C#
class Color {
class Red : Color { }
class Green : Color { }
class Yellow : Color { }
class Different : Color {
float red;
float green;
float blue;
public Different (float red, float green, float blue) {
this.red = red;
this.green = green;
this.blue = blue;
Of course you need to write a constructor, mark fields public and so on. When you're done -- using this kind of stuff is quite hard -- you need to use lots of runtime type checks.
On the other hand, Nemerle provides an easy and convenient method of dealing with variants -- pattern matching.
'''Pattern matching''' is accomplished with the match expression. Its semantics are to check each pattern in turn, from top to bottom, and execute the expression after the first pattern that matched. If no pattern matched, an exception is raised. This is like the switch statement in C, but using a large dose of steroids.
string_of_color (color : RgbColor) : string
match (color) {
| RgbColor.Red => "red"
| RgbColor.Yellow => "yellow"
| RgbColor.Green => "green"
| RgbColor.Different (r, g, b) => $"rgb($r, $g, $b)"
If the type of the object you are matching on is known at compile time to
be RgbColor
, you can omit the RgbColor.
prefix in the
The main idea behind patterns is that they match values that look like
them. For example, the Nemerle compiler creates a default constructor
for the Different
variant option with the following body:
public this (red : float, green : float, blue : float)
this.red = red;
this.green = green;
this.blue = blue;
Therefore, the constructor call Color.Different (r, g, b)
creates a new variant option instance with specified arguments. The
pattern looks the same -- it binds actual values of red
and blue
fields to r
, g
respectively. You can also spell the field names explicitly:
| Color.Different (red = r, green = g, blue = b) => $"rgb($r, $g, $b)"
We have already seen a so called '''"constructor pattern"''' in action. It is used to match over variants. The constructor pattern consists of variant option name (starting with an uppercase letter) followed by optional tuple or record pattern.
// examples of constructor patterns
// plain one, without sub-pattern:
// followed by tuple pattern:
Color.Different (r, g, b)
// followed by record pattern:
Color.Different (red = r, green = g, blue = b)
The '''variable pattern''' matches any value, and binds it to a specified variable. The variable pattern is an identifier starting with a lowercase letter. They are used mostly inside other patterns, but here we give a (rather pointless) example of using them as the top-level pattern:
// it prints 42
match (42) {
| x => // here x is bound to 42
printf ("%d\n", x)
The '''throw-away pattern''', written _, matches any value and has no further effects. It is a way of specifying the default: case in matching.
match (color) {
| Color.Red => "red"
| _ => "other"
The '''tuple pattern''' consists of one or more patterns separated by commas
and surrounded by parens. We have already used them in the section about tuples above. There they were used in
// matches any pair, binding its elements
// to specified variables
(first_element, second_element)
// matches a pair whose first element is Foo
(Foo, _)
The '''record pattern''' consists of class name and zero or more named patterns separated by commas enclosed in parentheses. It matches a class, whose field values are matched by sub-patterns.
class Foo {
public number : int;
public name : string;
StringOfFoo (f : Foo) : string
if (f.name == "")
f.number.ToString ()
// do the same as above
StringOfFooMatch (f : Foo) : string
match (f) {
| Foo where (name = "", number = k) =>
k.ToString ()
| Foo where (name = s) =>
It might be doubtful if StringOfFooMatch
is any better than
. Record patterns are mostly useful when used
inside a complex pattern, or when they contain complex patterns.
The '''literal pattern''' is an integer, character or string constant. It matches the exact specified value.
StringOfInt (n : int) : string
match (n) {
| 0 => "null"
| 1 => "one"
| 2 => "two"
| 3 => "three"
| _ => "more"
IntOfString (n : string) : int
| "null" => 0
| "one" => 1
| "two" => 2
| "three" => 3
| _ => 42
Note lack of match
in the second example. When the function
body starts with |
-- the match
expression is
automagically inserted.
The '''as pattern''' tries to match a value with a pattern enclosed within it, and in case of success binds the value that matched to a specified variable. We will show it later.
There are also two patterns related to types. The first one is the '''type
enforcement pattern'''. Its job is to give a hint to type inference
engine. It consists of a pattern followed by a colon and a type, like:
x : Foo
or (x,y) : Foo * Bar
. It requires type of the
matched value to be statically known to subtype the type specified.
The other pattern related to type is the '''type check pattern'''. Is is used to check whether the value matched has the specified type. It consists of a variable followed by the keyword is and a type. If the runtime type of the value matched is subtype of the type specified, the branch is taken and the matched value is bound to specified variable.
match (some_value) {
| x is SomeType =>
// use x
| x is SomeOtherType =>
// use x
| _ => ...
The example above, while simple, is not the best usage of variants. Variants are best at handling tree-like data structures. A common example of tree data structures are XML documents. However, we will deal with plain binary trees first.
The following example defines the type of trees of integers (representing sets).
variant Tree {
| Node {
left : Tree;
elem : int;
right : Tree;
| Null
// return tree t with element e inserted
Insert (t : Tree, e : int) : Tree
match (t) {
| Tree.Node (l, cur, r) =>
if (e < cur)
Tree.Node (Insert (l, e), cur, r)
else if (e > cur)
Tree.Node (l, cur, Insert (r, e))
// node already in the tree,
// return the same tree
| Tree.Null =>
Tree.Node (Tree.Null (), e, Tree.Null ())
// check if specified integer is in the tree
Contains (t : Tree, e : int) : bool
match (t) {
| Tree.Node (l, cur, r) when e < cur =>
Contains (l, e)
| Tree.Node (l, cur, r) when e > cur =>
Contains (r, e)
| Tree.Node => true
| Tree.Null => false
As you can see binary trees are not very interesting, so we will go to XML. Whether XML is interesting remains a doubtful question, but at least it is somewhat more practical.
variant Node {
| Text {
value : string;
| Element {
name : string;
children : list [Node];
This variant defines a simplistic data structure to hold XML trees. An XML
node is either a text node with a specified text inside, or an element
node, with a name and zero or more children. A sequence of children
is represented as a Nemerle list data structure (Nemerle has even
a special syntax for lists). The type is
written here list [Node]
-- a list of nodes. We will learn more about
polymorphic variants later.
For example the following tree:
would be represented by:
Node.Element ("tree",
[Node.Element ("branch", [Node.Element ("leaf", [])]),
Node.Element ("branch", [Node.Text ("Foo")])])
Of course XML by itself is just a data format. Using data in the above form wouldn't be too easy. So we want some different internal representation of data, and use XML only to save it or send it over the network.
class Refrigerator
minimal_temperature : float;
content : list [RefrigeratorContent];
public this(min_temp : float, cont : list[RefrigeratorContent])
minimal_temperature = min_temp;
content = cont;
variant RefrigeratorContent
| Beer { name : string; volume : float; }
| Chips { weight : int; }
| Ketchup
Now we'll write simple XML parsing function.
ParseRefrigerator (n : Node) : Refrigerator
| Node.Element ("refrigerator",
Node.Element ("minimal-temperature", [Node.Text (min_temp)])
:: content) =>
Refrigerator (System.Single.Parse (min_temp),
ParseRefrigeratorContent (content))
| _ =>
throw System.ArgumentException ()
ParseRefrigeratorContent (nodes : list [Node])
: list [RefrigeratorContent]
| [] => []
| node :: rest =>
def food =
match (node) {
| Node.Element ("ketchup", []) =>
RefrigeratorContent.Ketchup ()
| Node.Element ("beer",
[Node.Element ("name", [Node.Text (name)]),
Node.Element ("volume", [Node.Text (volume)])]) =>
RefrigeratorContent.Beer (name, System.Single.Parse (volume))
| Node.Element ("chips",
[Node.Element ("weight", [Node.Text (weight)])]) =>
RefrigeratorContent.Chips (System.Int32.Parse (weight))
| _ =>
throw System.ArgumentException ()
food :: ParseRefrigeratorContent (rest)
The reader will easily note that a) this code looks a bit like a junk, b) it can be generated automatically and c) in C# it would be even worse. Later we will learn how to write macros to generate this kind of code automatically.
But let's leave the ideology behind. There are probably few interesting things about this example. The first is the usage of list patterns and constructors. We can check if a list is empty, and if not, deconstruct it with the following code:
match (l) {
| [] =>
// the list is empty
// ...
| head :: rest =>
// the list isn't empty, the first element
// of the list is bound to the 'head' variable
// and the rest of the list to 'rest'
// ...
We can also construct new lists with ::
operator -- it prepends
an element to an existing list. If we know all list elements in advance
we can use the [ ... ]
thing in both expressions and patterns.
The second interesting thing is that we throw an exception in case of problems. We will talk about it later, for now assume, it just terminates the program with an error message.
2.2 (2 points). Write a function that reads XML from specified
files and puts it into the Node
variant defined above. Then write a
function to dump your data in a lispy format, something like:
(tree (branch (leaf) ) (branch ($text "Foo") ) )
For an extra point implement indentation of output.
(tree (branch (leaf)) (branch ($text "Foo")))
Then copy the Parser functions from above, fix any errors you find in them and try to parse the following file:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>
Warning: you do not need to write the XML parser. You should not do
it, actually. Use the System.Xml namespace from the .NET Framework. In
order to link with the System.Xml library you need to compile with the
option. For example:
ncc -r System.Xml myprogram.n
should do.