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Define Class

CodingUnit edited this page Nov 30, 2011 · 2 revisions

Define Class

  • Category: Defining Types
  • Description: define a class with multiple constructors
  • Code:
using Nemerle;
using System;
using System.Console;

// record macro creates constructor for each parameter
class Complex
  real : double;
  img  : double;
  public this(r : double) { Complex (r, 0.0) }
  public this() { this(0.0, 0.0) }
  public Real : double
  public Img : double 
  public Multiply(other : Complex) : Complex
    Complex(Real * other.Real - Img * other.Img,
            Real * other.Img  + Img * other.Real)
  public Add(r : float) : Complex
    Complex(real + r, img)
  public Add(r : float, i : float) : Complex
    Complex(real + r, img + i)
  public override ToString() : string
    $"$real, $img"

    def a = Complex();
    def b = Complex(1.2, 2.5);
    def c = Complex(1.0);
    WriteLine($"a = $a, b = $b c = $c");
  • Execution Result:
a = 0, 0, b = 1,2, 2,5 c = 0, 0

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