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Basic Variants

CodingUnit edited this page Dec 30, 2011 · 4 revisions

Basic Variants

  • Category: Defining Types
  • Description: Variants give a way of building types from the disjoint union of two or more existing types. This sample shows how to build one such type and how to decompose its values.
  • Code:
using System;
using System.Console;
using Nemerle;
using System.Linq;

class Wheel 
  radius :  double;  // radius of wheel, inches
  public override ToString() : string


variant Cycle 
  | Unicycle {wheel : Wheel;}
  | Bicycle {front : Wheel; back : Wheel;}

  public override ToString() : string

    match (this)
      | Unicycle(r)     => $"Unicycle, one wheel, radius = $r"
      | Bicycle(r1, r2) => $"Bicycle, two wheels, front = $r1, back = $r2"



module UnionSample1

  Main() : void
    def veryBigWheel = Wheel(26.0);
    def bigWheel     = Wheel(13.0);
    def smallWheel   = Wheel(6.0);

    def pennyFarthing = Cycle.Bicycle(veryBigWheel, smallWheel);
    def racer         = Cycle.Bicycle(bigWheel, bigWheel);
    def kidsBike      = Cycle.Bicycle(smallWheel, smallWheel);


  • Execution Result:
Bicycle, two wheels, front = 26, back = 6
Bicycle, two wheels, front = 13, back = 13
Bicycle, two wheels, front = 6, back = 6

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