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Dukkha is a toy programming language and a corresponding implementation in C++ (more like C with classes).


  • Expressions
  • Global variables
  • Local variables
  • if-else if-else
  • while-else
  • Python-ish data model
  • Symbols
  • Closure
  • Garbage collection
  • Modules

Virtual Machine

Compiled programs have .rodata (Bytecode::m_consts) and .text (Bytecode::m_code) sections for constants and instructions respectively. Dukkha programs run on a stack based virtual machine. Below you can find the instruction set for the vm. S refers to the stack and pop(S)'s should be read from right to left. Also, $A refers to a value at address A defined in .rodata section of a compiled program and %A referes to a value on a stack with offset A (from the bottom of the stack);

Instruction Operands Description
Return None Halt
Constant16 A16 Load a constant at $A
Pop None pop(S)
Negate None Calculate -pop(S) and push it on top of the stack
Add None Calculate pop(S) + pop(S) and push it on top of the stack
Subtract None Calculate pop(S) - pop(S) and push it on top of the stack
Multiply None Calculate pop(S) * pop(S) and push it on top of the stack
Divide None Calculate pop(S) / pop(S) and push it on top of the stack
Exp None Calculate pop(S) ^ pop(S) and push it on top of the stack
Not None Calculate logical ~pop(S) and push it on top of the stack
Greater None Calculate logical pop(S) > pop(S) and push it on top of the stack
Less None Calculate logical pop(S) < pop(S) and push it on top of the stack
StoreGlobal A16 Store value pop(S) as a global named $A
LoadGlobal A16 Load a global value named $A and push it on top of the stack
StoreLocal A16 Store pop(S) at %A
LoadLocal A16 Load a value %A and push it on top of the stack
JumpIfFalse A64 Set instruction pointer to A if pop(S) == false
Jump A64 Set instruction pointer to A

Here is an example of a program and its compiled bytecode:

let answer = '42';
let message = 'The answer is';

print(message + ' ' + answer);
$00000 answer
$00001 42
$00002 message
$00003 The answer is
$00004 message
$00006 answer
$00000:001 alcg $0
$00002:001 push $1
$00004:001 stg $0
$00006:002 alcg $2
$00008:002 push $3
$00010:002 stg $2
$00012:004 loadg $4
$00014:004 push $5
$00016:004 add
$00017:004 loadg $6
$00019:004 add
$00020:004 cout
$00021:004 ret


Below is BNF representation of the language (for now, I'll add more rules as I go).

<program> := <declaration>+ EOF;

<declaration> := <variable_declaration> |
                 <block_declaration> |

<block_declaration> := "{" <declaration>+ "}";
<variable_declaration> := "let" <identifier> ("=" <expression>)? ";";

<statement> := <print_statement> |
               <variable_assignment> |
               <if_statement> |
               <while_statement> |
               <loop_control_statement> |
               <expression> ";";

<variable_assignment> := <identifier> "=" <expression> ";";

<print_statement> := "print" <expression> ";";
<if_statement> := "if" <expression> <block_declaration>
                  ("else" "if" <expression> <block_declaration>)*
                  ("else" <block_declaration>)?;
<while_statement> := "while" <expression> <block_declaration> ("else" <block_declaration>)?;
<loop_control_statement> := ("continue" | "break") ";";

<expression> := <or>;

<or> := <and> ("or" <and>)+;
<and> := <not> ("and" <not>)+;
<not> := "not" <comparison> | <comparison>;
<comparison> := <addition> (<comparison_op> <addition>)+;

<addition> := <multiplication> (("+" | "-") <multiplication>)+;
<multiplication> := <unary> (("*" | "/") <unary>)+;
<unary> := "-" <exp> | <exp>;
<exp> := <arbitrary> ("**" <arbitrary>)+;

<arbitrary> := <number> | "(" <expression> ")" | "true | "false" | <identifier>;

<comparison_op> := "==" | "!=" | ">=" | "<=" | ">" | "<";


dukkha <file.du>


Toy programming language.






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