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Poly IO Test


This is the testframework for Poly ecosystem which can send cross-chain transacions and check it status. Let's call this tool PIT for short.

There is two parts about PIT. First part including five functions is for create and setup cross-chain environment. Like creating accounts on chains and deploying contracts. Second part is for running testcases like sending cross-chain transactions.

PIT can help you build your cross-chain environment and providing examples about writing code to send cross-chain transacion.

The code is still under development.

Part Func Desc
1 btc_prepare Generate BTC multi-signature address and other information (you can also use existing multi-signature), deploy and bind BTCX contracts on each chain, and register BTCX contracts and transaction parameters with Poly.
1 eth_deployer Two functions: deploy all the contracts on the Ethereum chain, from ECCM to each asset; to set up the binding of the contract, other chains need to complete the deployment first to ensure that the contract hash has been filled in the config file.
1 ont_deployer Same as eth_deployer
1 cosmos_prepare Initialize the chains based on COSMOS-SDK like Switcheo, create each asset and complete asset binding.
1 tools Register the sidechain with Poly and sync the genesis block between chains.
2 cctest Run testcases.


Before you try the testcase or other functions, you need to finish the configuration file:

   # This is BTC related settings
   "BtcRestAddr": "http://ip:port", # BTC node
   "BtcRestUser": "test",
   "BtcRestPwd": "test",
   "BtcFee": 1500, 
   "BtcRedeem": "552102dec9a415b6384ec0a9331d0cdf02020f0f1e5731c327b86e2b5a92455a289748210365b1066bcfa21987c3e207b92e309b95ca6bee5f1133cf04d6ed4ed265eafdbc21031104e387cd1a103c27fdc8a52d5c68dec25ddfb2f574fbdca405edfd8c5187de21031fdb4b44a9f20883aff505009ebc18702774c105cb04b1eecebcb294d404b1cb210387cda955196cc2b2fc0adbbbac1776f8de77b563c6d2a06a77d96457dc3d0d1f2102dd7767b6a7cc83693343ba721e0f5f4c7b4b8d85eeb7aec20d227625ec0f59d321034ad129efdab75061e8d4def08f5911495af2dae6d3e9a4b6e7aeb5186fa432fc57ae", # Multi-sign Redeem script(testnet)
   "BtcNetType": "test", # Network Type
   "BtcMultiSigNum": 7, # Multi-signature total
   "BtcMultiSigRequire": 5, # Minimum number of multi-signatures
   "BtcEncryptedPrivateKeyFile": "./btcprivk", # Multi-signature encrypted wallet storage path
   "BtcEncryptedPrivateKeyPwd": "123",
   "BtcVendorSigningToolConfFile": "./vendor_tool.json", # vendor configuration file
   "BtcFeeRate": 10, # Multi-signature rate, when BTC returns to Bitcoin, unlock transaction rate
   "BtcMinChange": 8000, # Multi-sign the minimum UTXO value allowed in the Poly chain contract
   "BtcMinOutputValFromContract": 10000, # The minimum allowable withdrawal amount in the BTCX contract
   "BtcSignerPrivateKey": "cRRMYvoHPN...MVwyqZVrAcX", # BTC simulates the private key for sending transactions
   "BtcExistingVendorPrivks": "cREJsmv4W9Lr4Qh...wRoSnpxryGRL92N,cVJqF57c...PCwBDymEk,cTfnpP7C...pvWthPRoB3yGwR", # Existing multi-signature wallet private key
   # eth
   "EthURL": "http://ip:port", # Ethereum node
   "ETHPrivateKey": "AEC101ECD...BE90B2A2608A9", # Etherem simulates the private key of the transaction
   # Ontology
   "OntJsonRpcAddress": "http://ip:port", # Ontology
   "OntWallet": "./wallet.dat",
   "OntWalletPassword": "pwd",
   "GasPrice": 2500,
   "GasLimit": 30000000,
   "OntContractsAvmPath": "./avm", # Avm of all ontology contracts
   # cosmos
   "CMWalletPath": "./cosmos_key",#
   "CMWalletPwd": "pwd",
   "CMRpcUrl": "http://ip:port",
   "CMChainId": "cosmos-gaia",
   "CMGasPrice": "0.00001stake",
   "CMGas": 200000,
   "CMCrossChainId": 1000,
   "CMEpoch": 1,
   # NEO
   "NeoUrl": "",
	"NeoWif": "",
	"NeoEpoch": 0,
   # Poly
   "RCWallet": "./wallet.dat",
   "RCWalletPwd": "pwd",
   "RchainJsonRpcAddress": "http://ip:port",
   "RCEpoch": 60000,
	 # configuration for sending tx
   "ReportInterval": 10,
   "ReportDir": "./report", # Test case status report
   "BatchTxNum": 100, # Batch send transaction: how many batches
   "BatchInterval": 1, # Time interval for batch sending
   "TxNumPerBatch": 100, # How many transactions per batch
   # This part is the contract configuration for each chain. 
   # After deployment, it is automatically written.
   # follows are contracts for testnet
   "EthErc20": "0x276788aF4a803781267c84692416311DE1F761f9",
	"EthOep4": "0x3105A14F7956D33a51F12eF3AE50A3f1eF161Dff",
	"Eccd": "0xA38366d552672556CE82426Da5031E2Ae0598dcD",
	"Eccm": "0x726532586C50ec9f4080B71f906a3d9779bbd64F",
	"Eccmp": "0xb600c8a2e8852832B75DB9Da1A3A1c173eAb28d8",
	"EthLockProxy": "0xD8aE73e06552E270340b63A8bcAbf9277a1aac99",
	"EthOngx": "0x42d9feF0Cbd9c3000CECe9764d99A4a6fE9E1B34",
	"EthOntx": "0x530aae4C0859894023906e28467f2a7F111B6ff3",
	"EthOntd": "0x76130c293AA35bf7B3e5fED1E9aE1E5DF12C6A92",
	"EthRenBTC": "0x239100e629a9Ca8e0BF45C7892b0fc72d78AA97A",
	"EthUSDT": "0xad3f96ae966ad60347f31845b7e4b333104c52fb",
	"EthWBTC": "0x557563dc4ed3fd256eBA55B9622f53331ab97c2f",
	"EthDai": "0x8Cad2301F7348DFc10C65778197028F432d51e76",
	"EthUSDC": "0x0d9c8723b343a8368bebe0b5e89273ff8d712e3c",
	"EthNeo": "0x7E269f2f33A97C64192e9889FAeEC72A6fcdB397",
	"BtceContractAddress": "0x92705a16815A3d1AEC3cE9Cc273C5aa302961FcC",
	"OntErc20": "e930755b130dccb25dc3cfee2b2e30d9370c1a75",
	"OntOep4": "969850e009b5e2a061694f3479ec8e44bc68bcd3",
	"OntLockProxy": "33c439c502cb4b6ac5a1e8057a65fe1fa7c300e2",
	"OntEth": "7009a2f7c8a2e45fa386a6078c7bfeaf518be487",
	"OntUSDT": "c6f91c11d740d39943b99a6b1c6fd2b5f476e2a3",
	"OntWBTC": "aede525f05065306423a5522bfcd31b5847ffa52",
	"OntDai": "96cf88356123592835a2fa75068a242260be1791",
	"OntUSDC": "07a12c0a6bdce4df04ef4b2045d1b0fd63a56e25",
	"OntNeo": "13eef3e184d878038317d806796b3af2d9f9b36d",
	"OntONTD": "869951e3397550e800d5faf579857cdb637a0051",
	"OntRenBTC": "ec547bc4486dea97cb659f1fe73407922f9e63c8",
	 "BtcoContractAddress": "814d32455c21bfc25c33b75ccbfc34fe8e79bff1",
	 "NeoCCMC": "0xe1695b1314a1331e3935481620417ed835669407",
	 "NeoLockProxy": "0x229e8fe772d5f0cbb408d58b593e42a1d1dfa3a9",
	 "CNeo": "c074a05e9dcf0141cbe6b4b3475dd67baf4dcb60",
	 "NeoOnt": "5a9222225f1bdb135123b74354c7248200c440aa",
	 "NeoOntd": "5a9222225f1bdb135123b74354c7248200c440aa",
	 "NeoEth": "d7b32de37ad906df80805c2419ff5560d20f9cbf",
	 "CMLockProxy": "f71b55ef55cedc91fd007f7a9ba386ec978f3aa8",
   # Test transaction limit. The cross-chain amount would not be over the limit.
   "BtcValLimit": 100000,
   "OntValLimit": 10,
   "OntdValLimit": 1000,
   "OngValLimit": 10000,
   "EthValLimit": 100000,
   "Oep4ValLimit": 1000,
   "Erc20ValLimit": 1000,
   "USDTValLimit": 10000,
   "NeoValLimit": 10000,
   "USDCValLimit": 1000,
   "WBTCValLimit": 1000,
   "RenBTCValLimit": 1000,
   "OntdValFloor": 100

Send Transactions To Testnet

Build the cctest like follow:

go build -o cctest cmd/cctest/main.go

You can run a testcase like:

./cctest -cfg=your_config_file -t case_name

Some cases:

Case Name Desc
SendOntToEthChain Send ONT to ethereum. Contract EthOntx will receive your ONT.
SendOnteToOntChain Send ONT back to ontology. It would transfer from EthOntx to Ontology.
SendEthToOntChain Send ETH to ontology. Contract OntEth will receive your ETH.
SendEthoToEthChain Send ETH back to ethereum.
SendBtcToOntChain Send BTC to ontology. Contract BtcoContractAddress will mint a reflection coin BTCX for you.

More case see here.

If you want more details about sending cross-chain transactions, you can read these documents


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