This is an UNOFFICIAL configuration utility for devices running the ArtixFox and RedPanda FW version >= 190602
Please see the official forum here: and the STM32 thread:
I wrote this for myself and I use Linux exclussively. It only needs Qt5 and hidapi, both available for Windows/Apple too, should be portable.
This being Linux (less users who report bugs) and unofficial (I don't have all the insights), will have more bugs than the official release. I'm using this myself and don't want to brick my devices, so I've taken care... but can't promise you anything.
You'll have to build this yourselves.
Besides, you have to give yourselves permission to access the USB device ("hidraw").
Create the file /etc/udev/rules.d/99-af.rules
and paste this to it:
KERNEL=="hidraw*", MODE="0666", TAG+="uucp", TAG+="udev-acl", TAG+="uaccess"
- base-devel
- qt5-base
- qt5charts
- hidapi
- build-essential
- qt5-default
- libqt5charts5-dev
- libhidapi-dev
Clone this repo and cd
to it. Then:
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make -j
That's it. You only need the generated nfe
executable (will autodetect ArcticFox/RedPanda).
I got the logo picture from here:
And the fontawesome.otf from here: (free for desktop)