A curated list of amazingly awesome Symfony articles, series and books.
For bundles selection, check sitepoint/awesome-symfony.
- KnpUniversity - Symfony Course Track
- Videos + articles. Straightforward, simple & with examples.
- Working with Symfony 2
- Short video series for starters
- Symfony 2 - under 5 minutes
- Short video series for starters
- Joyful Development with Symfony 3 [2016] by KnpUniversity
- Symfony po krůčkách na Zdroják.cz [2015/2016] [česky]
- Test your commands [2011]
- Decouple your application with (Domain-)Events by Benjamin Eberlei [2013]
- Re-thinking Event Listeners [2015]
- Journey to the Center of Symfony: HttpKernel Request-Response by KnpUniversity [2015]
- Do not use FOSUserBundle [2015]
- Drop ACE, use voters [2013]
- How to use simple yet powerful Voters instead of ACE/ACL overkill.
- The new Voter Class [2016] by KnpUniversity
- How Happyr work with Symfony translations [2015]
- Translation workflow with Symfony2 [2015]
- How to organize your translations in Symfony [2013]
- High Quality Symfony Bundles [2014]
- The Framework as an implementation by Marcello Duarte & Konstantin Kudryashov [2013], Github repository
- Symfony2: How to create framework independent controllers [2014]
- Symfony2: Controller as Service [2011]
- Bringing Symfony Components into Your Legacy Code [2016]
- Eating spaghetti with Symfony [2016]
- Migrating your project to Symfony [2016]
- Mastering Symfony2 Performance – Internals [2014]
- Mastering Symfony2 Performance – Doctrine [2014]
- 5 Ways to optimize Symfony Baseline Performance [2015]
- Rich domain model with Symfony 2.5 and Doctrine 2.5 [2014]
- DDD with Symfony2: Folder Structure And Code First [2013]
- Lessons Learned from My First Symfony Project [2016]
- Symfony best practices [2014]
- Symfony tips and tricks [2014]
- 5 Ways to optimize Symfony Baseline Performance [2015]
- Some Symfony 2 practices
- Výhody a nevýhody Symfony v bodech [2014] [česky] - by @spicimedved
- Symfony Framework Deepdive - Forms [not completed yet]
- Detailed guide to Form Component by Joshua Thijssen
- Symfony Framework Deepdive - Console [2015]
- Detailed guide to Console Component by Joshua Thijssen
- Symfony Framework Deepdive - Security [2015]
- Detailed guide to Security Component by Joshua Thijssen
- Symfony Certification - Unofficial self-study guide [2015]
- Short Q-A based section about Symfony foundations
- A Year with Symfony [updated 2014]
- Great book for beginners to understand basic Symfony lifecycle and how to use it to your advantages.
- Symfony2cheatsheet
- A Symfony2 guide to make your work easier.
To the extent possible under law, Tomas Votruba has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.