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HCR Analysis files


First, we recommend to create a new conda environment with

conda create -n HCR python=3.9

And activate it with conda activate HCR and install requirements with:

pip install -r requirements

Files Documentation

  • This is the principal file that extracts the main statistics from the HCR images. It has two sub commands:

    • process: Process our standardized directory structure writing an output .csv file and saving auxiliary images at the input images directory.

    • figure: Create images of intermediate steps from the process function.

  • Applies a threshold from the metadata file to the TBXT and SOX2 measurements selecting the cells which express both and save it to the input images directory.

  • Renames and reorganizes the files to our standard format using the metadata file.

  • Auxiliary file to map metadata from table to the standardized directory path.

  • Creates the images of the maximum intensity projections overlaid with the selected cells.

  • count_plot.Rmd: Generates the count barplot given the processed measurements file and the threshold annotation file. File must be edited to set input paths.