Terraform module AWS ALB Built-in OIDC Authentication for Okta
This module was created by using this AWS Documentation and this article.
source = "rotarur/terraform-aws-okta-oidc"
version = "v1.0.0"
route53_zone_id = var.aws_route53_zone_id
route53_record_name = "example.${var.aws_route53_zone_name}"
port = 1234
vpc_id = var.vpc_id
health_check_path = "/"
whitelisted_ips = var.alb_whitelisted_ips
vpc_public_subnets = [subnet-123]
certificate_arn = var.aws_acm_certificate_arn
oidc_client_id = var.client_id
oidc_client_secret = var.client_secret
oidc_issuer = "https://example.okta-emea.com/oauth2/default"
oidc_token_endpoint = "https://example.okta-emea.com/oauth2/default/v1/token"
oidc_user_info_endpoint = "https://example.okta-emea.com/oauth2/default/v1/userinfo"
oidc_authorization_endpoint = "https://example.okta-emea.com/oauth2/default/v1/authorize"
tags = merge(
{"service_name" = "okta"},
This module will only create the ALB for you without any target associated. If you want to your targets to auto-provision themselves you need to use the output from this module alb_target_group_arn
and add it to your autoscaling code, see terraform aws_autoscaling_group
In order to configure your Okta application for this ALB you'll need only the R53 record created by this module and use this Okta Documentation.
You can also create it in Okta Sandbox Environmnet before going to production, to test the integration.
Save your client_id
and client_secret
in a vault or AWS SSM storge and use terraform to get those values.
Variable | Description | Type | Default | Required |
route53_zone_id | AWS Route53 Zone ID to create the entry | string | - | Yes |
route53_record_name | AWS Route53 record name | string | - | Yes |
evaluate_target_health | AWS Route53 Evaluate Target flag | bool | - | No |
port | Instance port | string | - | Yes |
vpc_id | VPC ID to place AWS ALB | string | - | Yes |
alb_slow_start | AWS ALB Slow Start flag | string | 120 |
No |
health_check_path | AWS ALB Health Check Path | string | - | Yes |
health_check_protocol | AWS ALB Health Check Protocol | string | HTTP |
No |
alb_deregistration_delay | AWS ALB Deregistration Delay flag | string | 30 |
No |
tags | A mapping of tags to assign to the resource | map(string) | - | Yes |
whitelisted_ips | List of whitelisted ips to be added to security group | list(string) | - | Yes |
vpc_public_subnets | A mapping with VPC public subnets | list(string) | - | Yes |
certificate_arn | Certificate ARN to assign to ALB listener | string | - | Yes |
oidc_client_id | OIDC Client ID from Okta application | string | - | Yes |
oidc_client_secret | OIDC client secret from Okta application | string | - | Yes |
oidc_issuer | OIDC issuer from Okta application | string | - | Yes |
oidc_token_endpoint | OIDC token endpoint from Okta application | string | - | Yes |
oidc_user_info_endpoint | OIDC user info endpoint from Okta application | string | - | Yes |
oidc_authorization_endpoint | Authorization endpoint from Okta application | string | - | Yes |
oidc_session_timeout | OIDC session timeout | string | 300 |
No |
Variable | Description |
alb_target_group_arn | AWS ALB Target Group ARN |