A web-based cloudsourcing platform using django-web
Translated from Chinese to English by ron.lee
- original : https://github.com/Max-cvv/IQA-website
- It shows two images and the user should choose one with better quality.
- It allows zoom and panning of two images in a synchronised way.
- It does not ask the user to score.
- It is designed to compare the image quality of smartphone models, and the real time ranking of smartphone models can be found in the management backend. However, in the English translation, I changed the 'smartphone model' into '(IR) algorithm' to make it general.
- Django version should be below 3, or there would be errors.
- The python version the author tested was 3.6.9.
pip install -r requirements.txt
For the synchronized image comparasion, we use deepzoom Python Deep Zoom Tools. To install :
cd deepzoom; python setup.py install; cd ..
python manage.py runserver
if you want to access locallypython manage.py runserver
if you want to access from another machine
to the URL. (id & passwd:admin
). -
The provided functionalities are:
- Dataset:view pictures. Add device. Upload pictures. When uploading pictures, name the pictures serially and we recommend jpg format 1.jpg, 2.jpg...), then zip them.
- Experient info (User list, Record list, Question info, Real-time Ranking):View subjective quality numbers
- Experiment management