A powerful web-based tool for customizing Material Symbols and Font Awesome icons. Design, preview, and export custom icon styles with an intuitive interface inspired by modern design tools.
Multi-Library Support
- Material Symbols (Outlined, Rounded, Sharp)
- Font Awesome (Free & Pro support)
- Easy switching between icon families
Advanced Customization
- Two-tone coloring with adjustable offset
- Material Symbols variable font properties (weight, fill, grade, size)
- Font Awesome opacity and style controls
- Custom effects (shadow, glow, gradient)
Professional Tools
- Real-time preview
- Background toggle for contrast checking
- Zoom controls
- Advanced color picker
- CSS code generation
Export Options
Copy CSS
Export complete themes with variables
Save configurations
One-click code copying
Animation Support
Multiple animation presets (spin, bounce, pulse, etc.)
Live preview of animations
Export animation CSS with themes
Configurable animation settings
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/yourusername/icon-studio.git
Open index.html in your web browser
No build process required - Icon Studio runs entirely in the browser!
Material Symbols (Google Fonts) Font Awesome 6.5.1 Pickr Color Picker
All dependencies are loaded via CDN for easy setup. Usage
Choose between Material Symbols or Font Awesome Select specific style variant (Outlined, Rounded, etc.)
Browse the icon grid Use search to filter icons Click to select
Adjust colors using the color pickers Modify icon properties (weight, fill, grade, size) Add effects (shadow, glow, gradient) Fine-tune positioning and opacity
Copy generated CSS Export complete theme Save configurations for later use
Chrome (latest) Firefox (latest) Safari (latest) Edge (latest)
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request. License MIT License - feel free to use in personal and commercial projects.
Inspired by modern design tools like Figma and Adobe XD Built with vanilla JavaScript for maximum compatibility Special thanks to the Material Symbols and Font Awesome teams
Save/Load custom configurations Export to different framework formats (React, Vue, etc.) Batch processing multiple icons Custom icon upload support More effect options Animation presets
For issues and feature requests, please use the GitHub issues system.
Special thanks to Claude from Anthropic for assistance in development