Procedural World Generation using Processing and Java
Personal project capable of generating continents with a height, temperature, rainfall and biome map.
Initially pure Processing was used (till version 4), however with version 5 the switch was made to a Java project using Processing as a library, this was done to increase flexibility by not being limited to the Processing IDE.
Version 5 needs 2 external libraries that have to be imported manually:
- core.jar The Processing library
- controlP5.jar The GUI library used together with Processing
These libraries can be obtained by downloading the latest Processing and installing the controlP5 plugin via the Processing IDE at the following paths respectively (assuming default install locations):
- \Program Files\processing-3.5.3\core\library\core.jar
- \User\%userprofile%\Documents\Processing\libraries\controlP5\library\controlP5.jar
v3 WorldGen Examples | Click on image for full size |
Biome Map |
Textured End Result |
Height Map |
Temperature Map |
Rain Map 1 |
Rain Map 2 |
Rain Map 3 |
Combined Rain Map |