The FluentAssertions.ArgumentMatchers.FakeItEasy NuGet package provides a simple way to use FakeItEasy in combination with FluentAssertions to compare complex objects.
The package has an extension method called IsEquivalentTo
for IArgumentConstraintManager<T>
. It can be used in the setup and verify stages of a Fake similar to other argument matchers like A<string>.Ignored
. The actual.Should().BeEquivalentTo(expected)
method is used inside to compare objects. An overload is available so you can pass in configuration to FluentAssertions.
A.CallTo(() => _fake.DoSomething(A<ComplexType>.That.IsEquivalentTo(expectedComplexType))).Returns(result);
A.CallTo(() => _fake.DoSomething(A<ComplexType>.That.IsEquivalentTo(expectedComplexType))).MustHaveHappenedOnceExactly();
A.CallTo(() => _fake.DoSomething(A<ComplexType>.That.IsEquivalentTo(
options => options.Excluding(c => c.SomeProperty)
When comparing collections and certain properties need to be ignored, the IsEnumerableEquivalentTo
method can be used. The code actual.Should().BeAssignableTo<IEnumerable<TValue>>().Which.Should().BeEquivalentTo(expected, config)
is used inside to compare the collections. It's important to note that you need to explicitly use IEnumerable
in A<IEnumerable<T>>.That.IsEnumerableEquivalentTo
for it to work.
// Ignore the 'ComplexTypeProperty.IntProperty' property of the ComplexType objects in the collection
A.CallTo(() => _fake.DoSomethingWithCollection(A<IEnumerable<ComplexType>>.That.IsEnumerableEquivalentTo(
options => options.Excluding(c => c.ComplexTypeProperty.IntProperty)