Jet-elements uses slider-pro
as the library for the slider, check the documentation here
It has an option to change the orientation
of the slider to vertical
, but it is not available in the jet-elements plugin. So we need to make some changes to the script to enable it and other changes to adjust it to show it properly, these changes are documented in this repository inside jet-elements.min.js
, you can use it to overwrite the current script on the jet-elements plugin.
Steps to manually update the script:
Go to
Plugins > Plugin editor > JetElements > Select
file -
Change orientation to vertical and fix height to reflect the new orientation:
- Replace
withorientation: document.getElementById('my-slider') ? 'vertical' : 'horizontal',height: document.getElementById('my-slider') ? window.innerHeight : o,
- Replace
Fix some style jump issues when the slider work for the first time:
- Replace
withfind(".jet-slider__content");i.attr("style", 'visibility: hidden; width: 100%; height: 100%; margin: auto; inset: 0px 0px 0px 0%; transform-origin: center center; transform: scale(1); opacity: 0;');
- Replace
Optional - Update the slider with the mouse wheel:
- Replace
with(()=>{if(!document.getElementById("my-slider"))return;let t=new Date().getTime();window.addEventListener("wheel",l=>{let d=new Date().getTime(),i=Math.abs(l.deltaY);d-t>50&&i&&e(".slider-pro").sliderPro(l.deltaY<0?"previousSlide":"nextSlide"),i&&(t=d)})})();e(".slider-pro",r).sliderPro
- Replace
Go to
Plugins > Plugin editor > JetElements > Select
Search and edit:
- 'version' => $this->get_version(),
+ 'version' => $this->get_version() . 'custom', // Add 'custom' to force browsers to update the script