I created a scene with some green grass, a house, and some interactive shapes
On the top left, there is a rainbow of rectangles, hovering over it will expand the shape of the rectangles, and mouse-out will shrink back to original size
The house becomes slightly clear when hovering over it
The sun shrinks and changes to orange when you hover over it
The small circle in the chimney will move to the top of the frame, and then reset
Clicking on the tree will reveal hidden circles behind it
A car image has been placed on the grass using an image loader from a local directory in the project file
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-- Technical and Design Achievements --
polygon: I created a styled polygon that was then formed into a tree Fill - green
Shapes / Line Generation: I used the path and line generator to create the window on my house I then used lineGenerator on the path data, and fed it into a path to create the windows To keep the path with no fill color, I create a style to set the fill to none
Two Moons around sun repeat animation: Created a function that moves the moon around the planet, animation resets after each run. Function mooncircle creates a small circle, and applies a looping animation To create a looping animation, the beginning and end of the animation is the same location
Loading an image in svg:
For the car, I wanted to learn how to load an image from a local file path, and add it to the svg element First, I created a folder called "imgs" which would hold any images I wanted to add into the svg Then, I loaded the image (svg.append('image)')) and scaled / positioned it correctly. This will be useful to know for future project when I want to add icons!
Online Resources Used: