Format Android EditText content when it changed.
In case of PhoneNumberTextWatcher format is n nnn nnn nn nn
In case of PhoneNumberTextWatcher2 format is 8 (nnn) nnn nn nn
for othe formats see source and comments
import android.telephony.PhoneNumberFormattingTextWatcher;
import android.telephony.PhoneNumberUtils;
TextView phoneField = (TextView)findViewById(;
phoneField.addTextChangedListener(new PhoneNumberTextWatcher());
phoneField.setFilters(new InputFilter[] { new PhoneNumberFilter(), new InputFilter.LengthFilter(15) });
PhoneNumberTextWatcher2 with PhoneNumberFilter2
This variation include required prefix 8 ( and check max lenth inside TextWatcher, so InputFilter.LengthFilter is not used.
TextView phoneField = (TextView)findViewById(;
phoneField.addTextChangedListener(new PhoneNumberTextWatcher2());
phoneField.setFilters(new InputFilter[] { new PhoneNumberFilter2() });