Releases: rolandweber/Pityoulish
Release after my course in 2020. I'm providing binaries for the exercises only, because I expect instructors to build the server side themselves. The binaries are those actually used during the semester, built from three different commits.
Tutorial: Prepare for Java Exercises -
Classroom Exercise: Message Board client with Sockets, in Java -
Classroom Exercise: Message Board client and Direct Messages with Java RMI
While the source files of this project are in the public domain, the binaries comprise JavaDocs generated with OpenJDK. These JavaDocs contain code and markup snippets inserted by OpenJDK into the generated HTML files. If this is a concern to you, please build from the sources instead of downloading binaries.
Release during my course in 2019, after the last exercise took place. I'm providing binaries for the exercises only, because I expect instructors to build the server side themselves. The binaries are those actually used during the semester, built from three different commits.
Tutorial: Prepare for Java Exercises -
Classroom Exercise: Message Board client with Sockets, in Java -
Classroom Exercise: Message Board client and Direct Messages with Java RMI
While the source files of this project are in the public domain, the binaries comprise JavaDocs generated with OpenJDK. These JavaDocs contain code and markup snippets inserted by OpenJDK into the generated HTML files. If this is a concern to you, please build from the sources instead of downloading binaries.
Release during my course in 2018, after the last exercise took place. I'm providing binaries for the exercises only, because I expect instructors to build the server side themselves. The binaries are those actually used during the semester, built from three different commits.
Tutorial: Prepare for Java Exercises -
Classroom Exercise: Message Board client with Sockets, in Java -
Classroom Exercise: Message Board client and Direct Messages with Java RMI
While the source files of this project are in the public domain, the binaries comprise JavaDocs generated with OpenJDK. These JavaDocs contain a stylesheet provided by the OpenJDK. They also contain code and markup snippets inserted by OpenJDK into the generated HTML files. If this is a concern to you, please build from the sources instead of downloading binaries.
Release during my course in 2017, after the last exercise went online. I'm only providing binaries for the exercises here, because I expect instructors to build the server side themselves. Especially now that I have written a Development Readme.
Tutorial: Prepare for Java Exercises -
Classroom Exercise: Message Board client with Sockets, in Java -
Classroom Exercise: Message Board client and Direct Messages with Java RMI
While the source files of this project are in the public domain, the binaries comprise JavaDocs generated with OpenJDK 7. These JavaDocs contain a stylesheet provided by the OpenJDK. They also contain code and markup snippets inserted by OpenJDK into the generated HTML files. If this is a concern to you, please build from the sources instead of downloading binaries.
Release after the wrap-up of my course in 2016. The binaries are not exactly those I used for the course, but contain some minor improvements. I'm only providing binaries for the exercises here, because I expect instructors to build the server side themselves.
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Tutorial: Prepare for Java Exercises - -
Classroom Exercise: Message Board client with Sockets, in Java - -
Classroom Exercise: Message Board client and Direct Messages with Java RMI
While the source files of this project are in the public domain, the binaries comprise JavaDocs. These JavaDocs were generated using OpenJDK 7. They contain a stylesheet provided by the OpenJDK. They also contain code and markup snippets inserted by OpenJDK into the generated HTML files. If this is a concern to you, please build from the sources instead of downloading binaries.