Simple and slow, just using Ruby. Generates a big file with lots of G-code codes.
This version allows the carving direction to be flipped, so that the cutting tool "bites" into the material. This should make for a better cut.
This version also outputs the various slices into individual files (is this really useful?).
First, make sure you have a decent ruby:
$ ruby --version
You should see something around 1.9.3 or higher.
Get Bundler:
$ gem install bundler
Let Bundler get the required gems
$ bundle install
And finally, edit carver.rb top section and adjust the parameters as needed:
$ emacs carver.rb
Generate the data by running the script:
$ ./carver.rb
There we go, Bob's your uncle.
Use less global variables and write better Ruby code (this code is far from 'nice').
In the 'ned' subdirectory, you'll find a Rakefile, which can be used to create the PNGs of San Francisco and Yosemite.
To create them, use the following command line:
rake yosemite
rake sanfrancisco
The rakefile requires a bunch of dependencies, amongst others:
Data is downloaded using curl.
The zipped data is unpacked using the rubyzip gem.
The unzipped data is converted and processed using the Gdal suite. (see