A simple javascript application to search and view public Gists of users.
Github Gist Listing APP
The goal of this technical test is to evaluate ability in relevant competence areas
These include:
- Ability to use Javascript MVC frameworks to interact with APIs
- Competence with creation and implementation of basic designs
- Clean, readable and performant code
Use the Github Gist API, to create a single-page app with a Javascript framework of your choice (vue.js/react.js preferred).
- List: On entering a github username, it should be able to fetch a full list of public gists by that user.
- Filetype: Convert the filetypes of the files in the gist into a tag/badge, (e.g, if the returned gist has list of files containing python and javascript files, the gist should have the respective tags/badges).
- Forks: Username/Avatar of of the last 3 users who forked it with avatar linking to the fork.
- A feature to Sort all the gists of the user. (by no. of Stars or Forks ).
- Search gist by title or file type.
- Use a build tool like webpack or browserify to handle all the assets based on dev or prod environments.
- Feel free to use your favourite UI/UX frameworks and tools in design and development.
- Display and keep track of API hits. (HTML5 Localstorage)
- Filter gists based on file type tags.
- Custom elegant design, fonts and icons to make web app more user-friendly.
- You may add portfolio activity comprising awesome work you have done on web application(s).
- Use your imagination and add features which would make things easier for end users.