NewsScope is a dynamic Python Flask project designed to revolutionize your news exploration experience. With a user-friendly interface, the application invites users to input their search queries, unleashing the power of Google RSS search URLs to curate and present news articles specifically related to the entered string. The project seamlessly fetches and filters news from a diverse range of reputable sources, offering a comprehensive view of the latest updates aligned with the user's interests. Hosted for accessibility, NewsScope promises an intuitive and personalized news discovery platform, redefining the way users stay informed in real-time.
Install necessary python libraries as per requirements.txt file and then run it
pip install -r requirements.txt
The news articles presented in "NewsScope" are sourced from Google RSS feeds :
Disclaimer : "NewsScope" relies on the Google RSS feed for news aggregation, and the content displayed is sourced directly from various news articles available through this feed. The application does not alter or control the content provided by the Google RSS feed. Users are encouraged to visit the respective news websites for the complete and original articles, and the application holds no responsibility for the accuracy or timeliness of the information presented. The usage of the Google RSS feed is subject to Google's terms of service and policies.
Copyright Disclaimer under the Copyright Act of 1957 : The content in this project is governed by the Copyright Act of 1957. It is used for educational and informational purposes. If you are a copyright holder and believe your rights are infringed, please contact us for resolution. I respect the rights of copyright owners and comply with the Copyright Act of 1957. I acknowledge applicable exceptions and limitations under the Copyright Act of 1957, including fair dealing and educational use. Users are urged to respect intellectual property rights, and any unauthorized use may require permission from the copyright owner.